Below are the links to all of the Come Follow Me resources from Meridian for the 2020 Book of Mormon curriculum. Lessons will be published one week ahead of when the lessons are scheduled.

To see the New Testament Come Follow Me resources, CLICK HERE.

December 21-27

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Christmas

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

As we end of our Book of Mormon study with Christmas, and the advent of Christ’s birth, we are reminded of the center of all things prophesied and written in the Gospel.

A Special Christmas Podcast from the Proctors

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

This year we have an event in the skies that hasn’t happened since March 4, 1226, nearly 800 years ago. People have been calling it the “Christmas Star” or the “Star of Bethlehem. We’ll tell you what it in just a moment.

December 14-20

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Come unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him”, Moroni 10

by Gretel Backman Patch

Have you ever jumped ahead to read the last few pages of a book first? I have. I try not to, but sometimes I really like to know how it all turns out. I’ve definitely done that this time through Moroni. I haven’t quite wanted to reach and finish Moroni 10, the last chapter of this incredible book. Yet, this might be the best last chapter to read first.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Come unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him”, Moroni 10

by Diana Webb

Moroni 10 is perhaps best known for “Moroni’s Promise” in verse 4, which has been used by countless missionaries to challenge their investigators to learn for themselves that the Book of Mormon is God’s word. However, we often do not even consider the valuable insights provided by the preceding verse.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #49: “Come unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him”, Moroni 10

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

I think it’s fascinating that Moroni starts out chapter 10 by saying that he’d like to send these words to his brethren, the Lamanites. That is a fascinating view of Moroni’s heart. He has seen the Lamanites completely destroy his nation. Because of the Lamanites, his father has been killed and all of his kinfolk and family are dead. Now, despite all this, he writes this most important message to his brethren, the Lamanites. How can any human be so full of the love of Christ?

December 7-13

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”, Moroni 7-9

by Breck England

A pandemic of hatred has infected the world we live in. It is spiritually as dangerous as the physical pandemic we are struggling with. Ominously, the Book of Moroni shows us what happens when tribal anger and hatred begin to rule the hearts of the people. By contrast, it also shows us what happens when charity, the “pure love of Christ,” reigns in the heart.

Come Follow Me Podcast #48, Moroni 7-9, “May Christ Lift Thee Up”

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Moroni Chapter 7 is a powerful sermon on faith, hope, and charity given by Mormon, but when? You can’t help but wonder. He was born in AD 310, was made a general at the age of 16 and knew war most of his life until he had seen his whole nation decimated. Was this sermon given at the time when he gave up leading the army?

November 30-December 6

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “To Keep Them in the Right Way”, Moroni 1-6

by McKay Christensen

If sins on earth are retained in heaven, then conversely isn’t the word of God written on our hearts through obedience retained in heaven? Can we not “bind” the word of God to us and retain it in the eternities?

Come Follow Me Podcast #47: “To Keep Them in the Right Way”, Moroni 1-6

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Moroni did not know when he would die, attacked by Lamanites or some other deadly surprise, in his 36-year wandering. He tells his latter-day readers goodbye more than once on the plates. Yet even living with that insecurity, not knowing his own mortal future, Moroni trudges on with absolute faith.

November 23-29

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled”, Ether 12-15

by Adam and Eva Timothy

Moroni, who abridged this portion of the account, notes that he could not write even the hundredth part even of Ether’s account, but that which he shares with us of Ether’s words, his prophecies and his own commentary provides a wonderful illumination into the nature of God and Godliness.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled”, Ether 12-15

by Isaac Calvert

“Wherefore,” wrote Ether, “whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world…” Man, that sounds good right about now. Between COVID and every other uncertainty that seems to lurk just around the corner for us in 2020, we all could stand to remember that there really is a better, more excellent way. But how? How do we remember this truth—that Christ came to offer a better world than any we could create on our own?

Come Follow Me Podcast #46: “By Faith All Things are Fulfilled”, Ether 12-15

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Moroni may complain about his weakness with words, but he has given us one of the most insightful chapters on faith in all of scripture. We’ll study it today.

November 16-22

Come, Follow Me For Individuals and Families: “That Evil May Be Done Away”, Ether 6-11

by Gretel Backman Patch

For me, the painting that accompanies this article captures a powerful lesson from these chapters: no matter how hard the journey, the Lord will deliver His people if they follow Him.

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “That Evil May Be Done Away”, Ether 6-11

by Diana Webb

What lessons might we learn as we read about the rise and fall of these Jaredites? Moroni wrote, “it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you”, for if we can learn from the failures and the successes of the Jaredites, “evil may be done away, and … the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men”.

Come Follow Me Podcast #45: “That Evil May be Done Away”, Ether 6-11

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Where do we find security when our barge is tossed upon seas by a furious wind or when we are buried like a whale under angry, impossible waves? How can we trust where this mortal journey will take us?

November 9-15

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Rend That Veil of Unbelief”, Ether 1-5

by Breck England

A “veil of unbelief” separates us from our Savior Jesus Christ. We learn from the first five chapters of Ether how to “rend that veil of unbelief” and enjoy the presence of the Lord in our lives now and forever.

Come Follow Me Podcast #44: “Rend that Veil of Unbelief”, Ether 1-5

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Moroni told us in Mormon 8, “Behold, I would write…if I had room upon the plates, but I have not; and ore I have none”, so there is an untold story between these verses and the book of Ether. Somehow Moroni was able to get more ore and create plates because he gave us the marvelous book of Ether that introduces us to a whole new world.

November 2-8

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “I Speak unto You as If Ye Were Present”, Mormon 7-9

by Isaac Calvert

And so it was with neither friends, nor family, nor hardly any hope to speak of at all, Moroni penned the words or Mormon chapters 7-9. As we spend some time with them, I invite you to remember the harrowing circumstances in which they were written and take hope that, no matter what damage the pandemic or anything else may have done to you, your family, your finances, or anything else, there is always room for hope, for truth, for comfort, for Christ.

Come Follow Me Podcast #43: “I Speak unto You as if Ye were Present”, Mormon 7-9

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

As we start our studies today on Mormon 7-9, Moroni has taken over the record from his father and is in a tragic position. He has seen his culture decimated and he is the last survivor of what was once a thriving world. Could anything be sadder than this?

October 26-November 1

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “I Would That I Could Persuade All … to Repent”, Mormon 1-6

by Adam and Eva Timothy

The book we have the privilege of studying together this year is thanks in large part to the efforts and obedience of a single man whose life story is told in brief this week. Much like Joseph Smith, Mormon was called as a young man to become an instrument in the Lord’s hands to bring God’s word to his people. Unlike Joseph though, Mormon’s task was not to open a dispensation but to close one in faithfulness.

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “I Would That I Could Persuade All to Repent”, Mormon 1-6

by McKay Christensen

Mormon witnessed his people turn from that which was of most worth and let wickedness prevail in their hearts and minds. “But wickedness did prevail upon the face of the whole land, insomuch that the Lord did take away his beloved disciples, and the work of miracles and of healing did cease because of the iniquity of the people.” (Mormon 1:13) President Nelson recently said, “The only way to survive spiritually is to be determined to let God prevail in our lives, to learn to hear His voice and to use our energy to help gather Israel.”

Come Follow Me Podcast #42: “I Would That I Could Persuade All … to Repent”, Mormon 1-6

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Every time I read the Book of Mormon and get to these chapters, I always hope that the Nephites will repent and that their civilization and people will be spared—and then it happens every time! They are destroyed.  And then another entire civilization, the Jaredites, are destroyed for the same reasons.  We can’t change their outcomes, but how about ours?  Is there a message in here for us, right now, in our day?

October 19-25

Come, Follow Me For Individuals and Families: “There Could Not Be a Happier People” 3 Nephi 27 – 4 Nephi

by Gretel Backman Patch

It is never easy to end something good and face whatever’s next, but the Savior teaches us to “ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened” (3 Ne. 27:29). Good times await the faithful.

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “There Could Not Be a Happier People”, 3 Nephi 27 – 4 Nephi

by Diana Webb

After two days of rich spiritual experiences, the resurrected Christ appeared once again to his “other sheep. As 3 Nephi 27 opens, we see the Nephite Apostles gathered together in “mighty prayer and fasting.” When Jesus appeared, he asked them, “What will ye that I shall give unto you?”

Come Follow Me Podcast #41, “There Couldn’t have been a Happier People”, 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

When President Russell M. Nelson taught us that we needed to use the true name of the Church going forward, he was teaching us something deeper than we might have understood at the time. Something, in fact that can open up whole new realms of gospel understanding. Let’s explore that today.

October 12-18

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Ye Are the Children of the Covenant”, 3 Nephi 20-26

by Breck England

The ministry of Jesus Christ was divided into two parts: pre- and post-resurrection. In 3 Nephi, we are blessed to receive both parts, which He calls “the fulness of the gospel”.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #40: “Ye Are the Children of the Covenant”, 3 Nephi 20-26

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

If you knew that the Lord Jesus Christ would spend the day with you, what do you think He would teach you? What do you think He would do? What would be the most important truths He could communicate with you? What would YOU want to know from Him?

September 28-October 11

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Behold, My Joy is Full”, 3 Nephi 17-19

by Isaac Calvert

The power of these chapters to help us hear Him depends not on what we do by reading them, but upon what we do once we’ve finished reading them. If we rush off without a second thought, they will wither—forgotten in shallow ground. But if we take a moment to ponder, ask, listen, or just send a text to someone about them, the words of these chapters can change us like they changed the Nephites.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #39: “Behold, My Joy is Full”, 3 Nephi 17-19

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Can you imagine the joy that would fill your souls if you were witnesses to the visitation of the Lord Jesus Christ? How could you possibly describe your feelings? How could you even handle the happiness that would overwhelm your whole being?

September 21-27

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “I Am the Law, and the Light”, 3 Nephi 12-16

by Adam and Eva Timothy

In 3 Nephi chapter 11, Christ organized his church, calling and instructing the twelve. Now in chapter 12 he turns to the multitude to give the opening remarks to one the most miraculous and wonderful visits ever recorded on the earth.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “I am the Law and the Light”, 3 Nephi 12-16

by McKay Christensen

Cookies must have the right ingredients, mixed in the proper order, and carefully prepared and baked. Similarly, the principles taught in 3 Nephi 12 may also be essential ingredients to discipleship and have an order for development in our lives.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #38: “I Am the Law, and the Light”, 3 Nephi 12-16

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most densely packed three chapters in all of holy writ. As an added bonus, when the Lord visited His other sheep in the ancient Americas, one of the first things He did was gave the same Sermon on the Mount text with some additional insights. When the Lord purposely repeats something, I think He really wants our attention!

September 14-20

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Arise And Come Forth Unto Me”, 3 Nephi 8-11

by Gretel Backman Patch

The Nephites experienced “a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land” (3 Nephi 8:5). Storms of life can come out of nowhere, sometimes when we’re least expecting them. If we follow the prophet and our leaders, we can repent, hear the Lord’s voice in our lives, and find peace.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Arise and Come Forth Unto Me”, 3 Nephi 8 – 11

by Diana Webb

In Helaman 14:2, Samuel the Lamanite prophesied, “Five years more cometh … then cometh the Son of God.” Giving the people a prophecy with a timetable is something prophets rarely do, and it appears that the faithful saints were keeping track and of time and watching for the Savior’s birth.

Come Follow Me Podcast #37: “Arise and Come Forth Unto Me”, 3 Nephi 8-11

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

How can you not be just thrilled with this week’s readings? The entire Book of Mormon has been centered on one Person—Jesus Christ. Nephi saw Him in vision that He would come. Jacob gave bold witness of His mission and His coming. King Benjamin, Alma the Elder, Alma the Younger, Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Himni, Helaman—and many more—they all testified that HE, the Lord Jesus Christ, would come—and in this week’s exciting readings—HE CAME!

September 7-13

Come, Follow Me Podcast #36: “Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer”, 3 Nephi 1-7

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

“What if at 4:00 in the morning on a fall day I looked out the window and it was as bright as day? Would my heart take a leap and would I think: What is going on?!” It was pitch dark when I peered out my window and yet, we have record of an event in this week’s reading, where untold thousands of people could not help but see this incredible, unforgettable sign of a day, a night and a day wherein there was no darkness.

August 31-Sept 6

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Glad Tidings of Great Joy”, Helaman 13-16

by Isaac Calvert

Think of it. Samuel the Lamanite literally climbs on top of a city wall and preaches repentance to the wayward Nephites, narrowly escapes death, then disappears without a trace, never to be seen again. This must have been a dramatic episode, to say the least. But what happens after? “And there was,” reads Helaman 16:12, “but little alteration in the affairs of the people.”

Come Follow Me Podcast #35, “Glad Tidings of Great Joy”, Helaman 13-16

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

In the Book of Mormon, the Nephites always think of themselves as the good guys. In a movie, they’d ride in wearing the white hat or the gold star, signifying their goodness. Yet, the Book of Mormon demonstrates that often the Nephites are relentlessly blind to their own wickedness and it is the Lamanites who are the most faithful and true.

August 24-30

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Remember the Lord”, Helaman 7-12

by Adam and Eva Timothy

We begin this week in an era that should have been the high point of Nephite civilization. It should have been a golden age, but without the backdrop of severe adversity, the focus became just about the gold. People became comfortable. Civic duty and sacrifice gave way to societal competition and comparison.

Come Follow Me Podcast #34, “Remember the Lord”, Helaman 7-12

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

As Helaman chapter 7 opens, we see a prophet pleading with God for his people in great agony and heaviness of Spirit. The Gadianton robbers had usurped legitimate authority and taken over much of the government, the people have become corrupted and Nephi is deeply grieved for the wickedness which abounds.

August 17-23

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “The Rock of our Redeemer”, Helaman 1-6

by Gretel Backman Patch

What if our lives – without a single piece left spilling over – followed unique patterns on the sure foundation of Christ? What would need to happen to design and structure our efforts to be built on such a foundation?

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Rock of Our Redeemer”, Helaman 1 – 6

by Diana Webb

The book of Helaman begins with “a serious difficulty among the people of the Nephites”, and the difficulties keep coming. It does not seem to be the best time to be running for political office.

Come Follow Me Podcast Book of Mormon #33, Helaman 1-6, “The Rock of our Redeemer”

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

In Helaman chapters 1-6, the Lamanites become the righteous and the Nephites the wicked. How does this switch come about? I used to think it was hard to imagine such reversals and drama in such a short period of time, until we all entered these tumultuous times in our own nation.

August 10-16

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Preserved by His Marvelous Power”, Alma 53-63

by Breck England

The story of the armies of Helaman is a profound parable of what it means to make and keep a covenant with our Savior. In a way, the story parallels the journey we all must take through life.

Come Follow Me Podcast #32: “Preserved by His Marvelous Power”, Alma 53-63

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

The ten chapters that we look at today are about both the low and high points of the Nephite nation. This is a time of continual war, brought on in large part by iniquity. At the same time, just as the light shines more clearly in a darkened world, we see the power of goodness in Helaman’s 2060 stripling warriors.

August 3-9

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ”, Alma 43-52

by Isaac Calvert

Some wonder at the war chapters in The Book of Mormon. If the trials we deal with are so unlike those faced by the warriors of old, why do we have to read about battles, stratagems, fortifications and war? Wouldn’t it have been better to have thrown in a few more Alma 32’s or 2 Nephi 31’s?

Come Follow Me Podcast #31: “Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ”, Alma 43-52

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

You may get to the so-called war chapters in the Book of Mormon and wonder why Mormon bothered to include so many of them. Yet, he was a prophet who’d seen our day and if ever there were chapters as fresh and relevant as today’s news headlines, here they are.

July 27-August 2

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “The Great Plan of Happiness”, Alma 39-42

by Adam and Eva Timothy

The counsel between Father and Son in this week’s reading reminds us of just how much power is afforded to parents in the affairs of those children they hold most dear.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Great Plan of Happiness”, Alma 39-42

by McKay Christensen

How do we change, repent and turn to the Lord? Alma sets forth a formula for all of us to follow that can help us change and avoid mistakes.

Come Follow Me Podcast #30: “The Great Plan of Happiness”, Alma 39-42

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

With only 239 chapters in the Book of Mormon and only 531 pages, would you take four of those chapters and 8 pages just to talk about one wayward missionary’s story who committed a grievous sexual sin?

July 20-26

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Look to God and Live” Alma 36-38

by Gretel Backman Patch

Have you ever had such fervent teaching moments, where you are overcome with an urge to share what you have seen and felt? I certainly have and I believe the Spirit has been with me in such moments and testified of truth.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Look to God and Live”, Alma 36 – 38

by Diana Webb

How does one prepare for war? There are the obvious fortifications that can be built—something that Captain Moroni goes to a lot of trouble to accomplish—but if we look to Alma we find that he concentrated his efforts on the spiritual fortifications of his sons.

Come Follow Me Podcast #29, “Look to God and Live”, Alma 36-38

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

We see many conversations in the Book of Mormon where fathers teach their sons and their impact changes not only their son’s life, but the generations that follow. The lessons are profound. The impact overwhelming. If there was ever scripture that calls out for fathers to step into their parenting role with power, the Book of Mormon is it.

July 13-19

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Plant This Word in Your Hearts”, Alma 32-35

by Breck England

Much of the world feels no need for repentance. The idea of asking God for forgiveness does not enter the minds of many people. They see themselves as fine the way they are. Here are some questions for this lesson: “Am I humble? Truly penitent? Do I belong among the Zoramites who think they are fine as they are?

Come, Follow Me Podcast #28: “Plant This Word in Your Hearts”, Alma 32-35

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Alma has a hidden message in this week’s readings. You all are familiar with the concept he teaches of having a particle of faith and planting a seed and nurturing it that it may grow. But what is that seed to grow into?

July 6-12

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Virtue of the Word of God”, Alma 30-31

by Isaac Calvert

A vivid lesson from my college years puts the claims and tactics of Korihor into interesting perspective.

Come Follow Me Podcast #27 “The Virtue of the Word of God”, Alma 30, 31

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

It is surprising that an idea can at once be so popular, attracting people to give it passionate devotion, and at the same time be completely false. Why are people so often crazy enough to jump on a trend that is destructive or just plain foolish against their own best interests? The Book of Mormon gives us countless examples.

June 29-July 5

Come Follow Me for Families: They “Never Did Fall Away”, Alma 23–29

by Adam and Eva Timothy

This week we are given a wonderful tale of contrast and chiaroscuro, light and darkness, great sorrows and suffering and joy beyond our comprehension. In short, a tale of mortal life through the Gospel lens.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: They “Never Did Fall Away”, Alma 23-29

by McKay Christensen

One can’t help admiring the depth of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies conversion. How can we find this level of conversion and strength? That is the question we will consider with this week’s reading.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #26: They “Never Did Fall Away”, Alma 23-29

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

The Book of Mormon was specifically written for us—for our day—for our time. So, why did Mormon include the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis? What possible application does this have for our time?

June 22-28

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “I Will Make An Instrument Of Thee” Alma 17-22

by Gretel Backman Patch

The scriptures tell of many middle moments, when afflictions were sore and deliverance seemed impossible: the wickedness of the entire earth before the Lord covenants with Noah and he is spared in an ark; the struggles of the Israelites before their deliverance through the Red Sea. Recently in Come, Follow Me, we read of one of Alma and Amulek’s middle moments, as they witness the inhumane suffering and death of many believers they loved.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “I Will Make an Instrument of Thee”, Alma 17 – 22

by Diana Webb

President Ezra Taft Benson declared, “The Book of Mormon was written for us today. . . . God, who knows the end from the beginning, told [Mormon] what to include in his abridgement that we would need for our day.” In approaching the missionary experiences of Ammon and his brothers, one of the most important lessons for us to learn is how they are relevant to our time.

Come Follow Me Podcast #25, “I Will Make an Instrument of Thee”, Alma 17-22

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Can you imagine if today you opened a mission call and it was for a 14-year mission to a violent people whose aim was to destroy you? You might think twice about that kind of call. Yet, the sons of Mosiah, Nephite princes who could have had a very different life, chose to go to preach to the Lamanites.

June 15-21

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Enter into the Rest of the Lord”, Alma 13-16

by Breck England

This lesson is a tale of two cities: Ammonihah of the Nehors contrasted with the Salem of Melchizedek. Both cities started as nests of wickedness. A mighty change occurred in one of them but not the other.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #24 “Enter into the Rest of the Lord”, Alma 13-16

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Have you ever thought about Alma and Amulek watching the believers in Ammonihah burn? It is not just the pain that these are their tender converts. Could it be that Amulek’s own family was among that group because he is in particular anguish after the event?

June 8-14

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People”, Alma 8-12

by Isaac Calvert

In the beginning of Alma 8, we read how the prophet Alma journeys to several cities and enjoys a warm reception. People hear his sermons. Many are baptized. Some even receive revelations that are so sacred that they cannot be written, so the record tells us. Yet, after all of these glowing receptions, Alma hits a proverbial brick wall at Ammonihah.

Come Follow Me Podcast #23 “Jesus Christ will Come to Redeem His People”, Alma 8-12

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Here’s an irony. In our day, when someone wants to change everything that is wrong with the world, they run for president. In the Book of Mormon, Alma, hoping to pull down the pride and craftiness and contentions among his people, saw no way to reclaim them except to give up his office.

June 1-7

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”, Alma 5-7

by McKay Christensen

Sometimes our view in life becomes a bit warped. We don’t always see things as they really are. I expect if the Lord could show us things as they really are, we would be quite surprised at our narrow perspective and inadequate view. It’s not unusual as we live in the world to be blinded by the world and need to change. Change is necessary for all of us.

Come, Follow Me for Families: “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”, Alma 5-7

by Adam and Eva Timothy

The spiritual transformation that accompanies conversion is not just about being better, although that is part of it. It is about becoming a new creature with an entirely different perspective and purpose that comes from understanding the true nature of our redemption.

Come Follow Me Podcast #22: “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”, Alma 5-7

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

I’ve always loved Alma chapter 5. It could be taken as the most introspective chapter in all of holy writ. Alma asks more than 40 questions of his listeners and really wants them to probe their spirituality in a deep way. But Alma wasn’t just talking to the people in Zarahemla—he is talking to us!

May 25-31

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “They Were Steadfast and Immovable” Mosiah 29 – Alma 4

by Gretel Backman Patch

Especially timely now, Mosiah 29 – Alma 4 shows what “humble followers of God” can do to remain “steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God”, despite whatever shakes around them.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “They Were Steadfast and Immovable”, Mosiah 29 – Alma 4

by Diana Webb

As the sons of Mosiah left on their missions, their absence caused a succession crisis for King Mosiah, their father. His solution was to end the monarchy altogether, and transform the government into a system of judges. This change was completely unprecedented in Nephite history, and makes us wonder where Mosiah got the idea, and why he thought it would be for the best.

Come Follow Me Podcast #21 “They were Steadfast and Immovable”, Mosiah 29-Alma 4

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Hugh Nibley calls Mosiah 29 one of the most important treatises on political power ever written. In fact, the Book of Mormon has plenty to say about good and bad political leaders. Why does a spiritual book have so much to say about politics? We’ll find out today.

May 18-24

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “They Were Called the People of God”, Mosiah 25-28

by Breck England

Most of us know what it means to feel low. Mostly we feel low about ourselves. Deep down we know what we are, and if we are humble, we know just how big the gap is between what we are and what we should be. Somehow, His infinite sacrifice releases us, enables us to re-emerge whole in both spirit and body, and to become as He is.

Come, Follow Me Podcast #20: “They Were Called the People of God”, Mosiah 25-28

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

When I was growing up and first learning about the story of Alma the Younger’s conversion in the Book of Mormon, I always pictured him as a rebellious teenager who hung out with the four sons of Mosiah. If you look closely at the record and put the facts together, you come to know something altogether different.

May 11-17

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “We Have Entered into a Covenant with Him”, Mosiah 18-24

by Isaac Calvert

What is the desire of your heart? What do you really want? And how does that translate into what you’re doing, what you read, what you watch, or how you spend your time?

Come Follow Me Podcast #19 “We Have Entered into a Covenant with Him”, Mosiah 18-24

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

I have often wondered what was on Abinadi’s mind as the fire that would engulf and kill him burned hotter and hotter. Did he wonder if he’d been a good missionary, because after all, there wasn’t a rush of converts from King Noah’s court.

May 4-10

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “A Light … That Can Never Be Darkened”, Mosiah 11-17

by Adam and Eva Timothy

We don’t hear much about Noah prior to his coronation. For all we know he was a half-decent young man. In any case he had impressed his father Zeniff enough to be chosen from among his brothers to receive the crown.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “A Light…That Can Never Be Darkened”, Mosiah 11-17

by McKay Christensen

Why did Abinadi’s face shine with luster as he spoke? Do we, at times, have this light in us? As we draw closer to the source of light, do we also gain greater light?

Come, Follow Me Podcast #18: “A Light … That Can Never Be Darkened”, Mosiah 11-17

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

There are many times in our lives when we just have to stand up for the truth and, sometimes we stand alone. Has that ever happened in your life? Has it happened in the lives of your ancestors or the lives of your children?

April 27-May 3

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “In The Strength of the Lord” Mosiah 7-10

by Gretel Backman Patch

We’re still riding a spiritual wave from General Conference, where we received an outpouring of revelation and much-needed peace. Following King Benjamin’s powerful address to gathered families through open tent doors, there was “continual peace for the space of three years”. They spent three years pondering his words and being changed by them.

April 20-26

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “A Mighty Change”, Mosiah 4-6

by Breck England

Each year the Saints gather during the autumn season in General Conference to hear the word of the Lord from our Prophet. This is a very ancient pattern in the house of Israel, going back at least as far as the prophet Jacob. Moses commanded the Israelites to gather at the temple each year at the end of the harvest for the Feast of the Tabernacles. Saints today still gather each fall.

Come Follow Me Podcast #16 “A Mighty Change” Mosiah 4-6

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

If King Benjamin were to send a text message to all of us, desiring to know if WE believed the words which he has spoken to US, what would be our answer? And what would be our proof?

April 13-19

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “Filled with Love Towards God and Man”

by Isaac Calvert

In many ways, King Benjamin’s speech has stood as The Book of Mormon’s version of an ancient General Conference. And though the kind of large gathering his people experienced on that occasion are almost entirely unheard of in our present circumstances, we can still remain united in our hearts as we follow the prophet.

Come Follow Me Podcast #15 “Filled with Love Towards God and All Men” Mosiah 1-3

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Elder Neal A. Maxwell called the chapters we are studying today the “Manual of Discipleship”. Since Mormon could include only the hundredth part of the records he had available to him, this may be the reason he zeroed right in on King Benjamin’s address and gave us so much of it. He knew we in the latter days would want to learn discipleship too.

March 30-April 12

Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: Easter

by Adam and Eva Timothy

I grew up behind the Iron Curtain in Bulgaria. Religiously, I would have called our family Chreasters, since Christmas and Easter were pretty much the only times we went to church. The Communist regime was very repressive when it came to religion and regular gatherings weren’t permitted. Easter Sunday though, was like a shaft of light through the shadows.

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: Easter–“He Shall Rise with Healing in His Wings”

by McKay Christensen

Easter is a time to remember the everlasting love of our Heavenly Father. It is a time to renew our trust in Him because he is trustworthy. The Lord Jesus Christ prepared an escape of death and hell, and we hold the promise of a glorious resurrection.

Come Follow Me Podcast #14, Easter – “He Shall Rise with Healing in His Wings”

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

What an exciting thing to talk about this week: the newness of life that comes and the celebration of Easter—the atoning sacrifice, death and resurrection of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

March 23-29

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “He Works In Me To Do His Will”, Enos-Words of Mormon

by Gretel Backman Patch

Sometimes a concise block of scripture can be especially powerful. Enos, Jarom, Omni, and Words of Mormon comprise 10 pages of the Book of Mormon. Yet, what lessons we learn in the pages about mighty prayer and forgiveness, the influence of righteous parents, offering our whole souls to God, and the wise purposes of the Lord.

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “He Works in Me to Do His Will”, Enos – Words of Mormon

by Diana Webb

In this week’s readings, we will cover almost three hundred years of Nephite history. Most of our other readings contain only a few decades of history, at most. So, put on your seat belts, because we will be traveling at light speed. . . Well, almost.

Come Follow Me Podcast #13, Enos-Words of Mormon, “He Works in Me to do His Will”

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

I remember, following Enos’s example, of going to the woods to pray in my life, in fact, more than once. I don’t think the location matters, but there is something magnificent to learn about prayer from Enos in his book.

March 16-22

Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “The Lord Labors with Us”, Jacob 5-7

by Aaron Hutchins

As much as we know about Moses, Isaiah, Nephi, Alma, and other prophets, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had the Book of Zenos? What other stories or teachings might it contain?

Come Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Lord Labors With Us”, Jacob 5-7

by Breck England

Many gospel teachers have explained Jacob’s allegory of the tame and wild olive trees as it applies to the history of the house of Israel. Instead, let’s liken the allegory of the olive trees to ourselves. We don’t do that very often.

Come Follow Me Podcast #12 “The Lord Labors with Us”, Jacob 5-7

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

Some of our students over the years have said, “We just can’t understand all the symbols and the confusion about the trees and different places and times.” Some of our institute students have even skipped reading Jacob 5 altogether. I guarantee you, we’re not going to skip this and you’ll come to see why this is one of our very favorite chapters.

March 9-15

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ”, Jacob 1-4

by Isaac Calvert

Jacob had a rough life: born in the desert, never knowing the home from whence he fled only to sail in a curious ship to a place he knew nothing about. But despite these trials (and maybe even because of them), Jacob beheld the glory of God in his youth and was “blessed even as they unto whom he [would] minister in the flesh.”

Come Follow Me Podcast #11 “Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ”, Jacob 1-4

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

When Jacob speaks at the temple in the book named after him, it is with both anxiety and boldness, setting an example for all us who have to teach the people we love in this difficult world. It is not a time to shy away from the truth.

March 2-8

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “This is the Way”, 2 Nephi 31-33

by Adam and Eva Timothy

There’s something amazing about reading the final words of any prophet as they sit down and seek to synthesize their life’s experience into words of counsel to those that follow. Throughout Nephi we loved searching for the phrase, “My Soul Delighteth” to see all the things he felt were most precious about the gospel.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “This is the Way”, 2 Nephi 31-33

by McKay Christensen

Some people seem to be clear about their beliefs and have an ability to live true to their testimony. How do they get such understanding?

Come Follow Me Podcast #10 “This is the Way”, 2 Nephi 31-33

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

In all our readings and studies of 2 Nephi chapters 31-33, have we possibly missed some critical teachings for our own spiritual progress? Let’s study together and see what we can find out.

February 24-March 1

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder” 2 Nephi 26-30

by Gretel Backman Patch

Christ is calling us, the men and women of the Church, to help gather scattered Israel. That includes scattered living rooms and scattered weekly schedules and scattered teenage brains and scattered families. We all have different starting points but Christ will meet us wherever we are, thrilled that we’re making any effort to grow closer to him.

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder” 2 Nephi 26-30

by Diana Webb

Nephi mourned because of the destruction of his descendants which he was shown in vision. Because of his great love for him and indeed for all his children, the Lord showed Nephi how his people would be restored to the testimony of Christ through the Gentiles in the last days.

February 17-23

Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “We Rejoice in Christ” 2 Nephi 11-25

by Aaron Hutchins

How would you feel after a decade of constantly defending your testimony and your personal safety against those who mocked and attacked you, like Laman and Lemuel did to Nephi, only to learn that someone who lived 150 years before you, had the same testimony of the Savior and similar life experiences to yours?

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “We Rejoice in Christ”, 2 Nephi 11-25

by Breck England

Nephi’s record of the writings of Isaiah make up the bulk of this lesson. Why does Nephi cite these particular chapters of Isaiah? Why invest so much energy and space to these writings?

Come, Follow Me Podcast #8: “We Rejoice in Christ”, 2 Nephi 11-25

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

It is said that even a speeding bullet couldn’t get through Isaiah—well, let’s try to prove that wrong today. Let’s have some fun studying these seemingly difficult chapters together!

February 10-16

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Oh, How Great the Plan of Our God”

by Isaac Calvert

I’ve often wondered why Isaiah was so important for us to study. But the question of “Why?” hasn’t helped me nearly as much as the question of “How?” How can we study Isaiah, a book of scripture that Nephi openly admits is difficult for people to understand if they aren’t deeply familiar with the prophesying of the Jews?

Come Follow Me Podcast #7 “O How Great the Plan of Our God” (2 Nephi 6-10)

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

It’s fun to be reading the scriptures and suddenly have something entirely new jump out at you, like it’s never been there before. We hope we find some of those surprises today.

February 3-9

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “We Lived After the Manner of Happiness” 2 Nephi 1-5

by McKay Christensen

2 Nephi 1-5 are the final words of Lehi to his children. If you were about to pass on, what would you tell your children?

Come Follow Me Podcast Book of Mormon #6 “We Lived after the Manner of Happiness”, 2 Nephi 1-5

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

How can Lehi who has suffered so much in the wilderness journey, including the murderous rejection of his own sons, Laman and Lemuel, possibly write that man is that he might have joy? Does he know something that we sometimes forget? We’ll find out as we study together.

January 27-February 2

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “I Will Prepare the Way Before You” 1 Nephi 16-22

by Diana Webb

We might do well to consider the “small means” that have been provided by the Lord to guide us in our lives. We might consider these our “personal Liahonas.”

Come Follow Me Podcast BofM #5 “I Will Prepare the Way Before You”, 1 Nephi 16-22

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

A theme is so prevalent throughout scripture, and especially in the Book of Mormon, that you would think we would never miss it, and yet we do. What is that elusive theme? We’ll tell you today.

January 20-26

Come Follow Me Podcast BofM #4 “Armed with Righteousness and the Power of God”, 1 Nephi 11-15

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

After Lehi had his dream of the tree of life, his sons had some choices, and, based on those, in the next few hours had radically different experiences. Laman and Lemuel went to their tent and fought about the meaning of the dream, and Nephi was swept up to a mountain and given a vision. What Laman and Lemuel missed out on in insisting on their war of words!

January 13-19

Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Podcast 3, “Come and Partake of the Fruit” — 1 Nephi 8-10

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

This week we are studying one of the pivotal stories in the Book of Mormon, Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life.

January 6-12

Come Follow Me: Book of Mormon #2, “I Will Go and Do” , 1 Nephi 1-7

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

We all know the 1st book of Nephi so well, you may wonder if there is still more to learn. Welcome to the inexhaustible Book of Mormon that always surprises us with its spiritual richness and historical authenticity. You may know these stories, but we are about to enter a treasure room.

December 30-January 5

Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon

by Diana Webb

As we begin our study of the Book of Mormon this year of 2020, my desire is that we will open our eyes to the majesty of the book, and read it in a way that we have never done before.

Come Follow Me: The First Book of Mormon Podcast of the New Year

by Scot and Maurine Proctor

“My dear brothers and sisters, I promise that as you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions—every day. I promise that as you ponder what you study, the windows of heaven will open, and you will receive answers to your own questions and direction for your own life. I promise that as you daily immerse yourself in the Book of Mormon, you can be immunized against the evils of the day…”