We have a wonderful son-in-law that we love very much. Our concern is that he yells at his children, not in just a loud voice but in a THUNDERING voice that even scares my husband and me.
More Relationships Features
Should You Confront Your Parents About Your Childhood?
A crucial developmental step in adulthood is differentiating from your first family; taking the things that worked from your childhood and leaving behind what didn’t. In today’s episode we discuss the importance of these conversations between parents and their adult children.
Living a Familycentric Life
I want to close with something of a testimony of the truth and veracity of God’s eternal family of which we are all a part, and my belief in the blessings that come from both thinking of and living the Gospel as a blueprint for family exaltation and the pattern of our Heavenly Parents’ eternal order.
Emotional Safety in Relationships
Most of us can describe what it means to be physically safe, or to provide physical safety for another person. But are we able to understand and provide emotional safety for our partner?
The Contagious Cycle of Thankfulness
Gratitude, though often seen as a fleeting feeling, is a powerful force that can transform lives, strengthen families, and build meaningful connections. It starts with a single choice—a choice to change our focus.
Your Hardest Family Question: I’m so depressed I want to give up
I am so depressed and feel so worthless. I was struggling with a surprise heart condition and while I was in the hospital our neighbor put the moves on my wife. Needless to say they had an affair and I was devastated. I wanted to work through it but my wife wanted a divorce. It has been three years and I am still heart broken and have no self-esteem.
Your Hardest Family Question: I’m on my deathbed and my daughter won’t talk to me
My time here on earth is limited due to a terminal illness and I am not sure what else I can do in the time that I have. I have written her letters when she won’t communicate with me, but she does not respond. She has many good redeemable qualities and I miss the good parts of her in my life. What can I do?