Almost 150 years after Nietzsche said ‘God is dead,’ some of our most important thinkers are getting religion. Peter Savodnik meets the new theists.
Ideas and Society
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Unpacking the U.S. Supreme Court Case on Transgender Medical Care
On December 4th the Supreme Court of the United States heard the oral arguments for the U.S. v Skrmetti case. Unfortunately, the results of the day's events will not be known for another six months. In the meantime, all one can do is wait in anticipation for what could be one of the most significant cases for both the LGBT community and detransitioners.
A tale of 2 briefs — Sen. Mike Lee and the Church of Jesus Christ both file in support of Texas’ porn law
The Supreme Court’s decision on Texas’ law restricting children from seeing pornography likely won’t come until late spring or summer 2025.
Crucial Conversations across Political Divides
Despite where family or friends fall on political issues, we want to maintain loving, close relationships. How is it done when potential for explosion lies with a burning fuse beneath some conversations?
Should we Cut Off Everyone Who Doesn’t Agree with Us?
When I watch the news, scroll through social media or listen to politics there seems to be a steady stream of opinions circulating about what our rights are, who is trying to take them away, and, most importantly, who is to blame. This attitude is not only pervasive, but also contagious, and catching fast.
Pulitzer Prize Winner on Loving America
Peggy Noonan, who has been a weekly columnist for The Wall Street Journal for nearly a quarter of a century, is publishing, November 18, a new book called A Certain Idea of America.
“The Constitution ‘Hangs by a Brittle Thread’” and What Can Be Done About It! (Part 2)
The Constitution is “hang[ing] by a brittle thread,” but there are two major fronts on which increased constitutional literacy can take place: 1. Public Education; and 2. Education in the Home.