For most men, divorce means not only the loss of a companion, but also the loss of daily contact with his children. If you are in this situation, you know the rage that sometimes burns inside a person who is told in so many ways by society, by the woman he once loved, by the legal system and, regrettably, even by our Latter-day Saint culture, that he is not important to his children except as a source of money.
More Singles Features
Lost it All? How to Rebuild Financial Stability After Divorce
“When you have the strength and determination to face the facts, you can achieve anything. It's when we run and hide that we dig ourselves holes that can be excruciating to climb out of.” Unfortunately, many divorcees (including me) run and hide from the financial problems that have led to or resulted from their divorces.
Braving Love Again: Healing From Heartbreak and Embracing Connection
One of the hardest challenges of life after divorce is trauma from prior relationships creeping in to sabotage new ones. The longing to be happily coupled is deep in our nature—and the healing necessary to create a successful relationship is also necessary to creating a happy life, whether you are coupled or not.
The Heart’s Deception: Why Love is a Choice—Not Just a Feeling
The belief that an intense attraction is the primary consideration in the decision to marry is so deeply rooted in our culture that choosing a partner based on anything else seems selfish, absurd, or even downright foolish. I believe we need to reexamine the idea that we ought to religiously follow our hearts and make the decisions our hearts suggest.
From Pain to Peace: The Journey to Emotional Healing After Divorce
During close to a decade in the singles community, and in the four years since Cathy and I published Intentional Courtship, I have consistently observed that new divorcees (me included) spend a lot of time telling their stories and re-living the experiences that led to their divorces.
How God Restores What the Years Have Taken
As the new year dawns, let us begin anew. You are not too old to start over because God will restore the years you have lost.
The Challenge of Choosing Joy
How are we to understand an existence where our purpose is to experience joy, when the realities of our daily life often seem calculated to bring misery?