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February 19, 2025


Elder Holland Introduces Meet the Mormons

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland explains how the Church is breaking new ground.

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Behind the Scenes at Meet the Mormons

Meet the Mormons opens October 10, beginning in approximately 200 theaters. Opening weekend and first-week sales will largely determine how much farther the movie penetrates the market.

Elder Bednar to Participate in Worldwide Broadcast About Social Media

Want to know what an apostle has to say about the gospel and technology? Don't miss Elder Bednar's upcoming talk on the topic!

Todd Sylvester: “The Hope of God’s Light”

Sometimes we wonder why we were given our particular set of trials. Todd has turned his specific experiences into a tool for helping others that struggle with addiction and substance abuse.

Church Expands Use of Digital Devices for Missionary Work

The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are expanding the use of mobile devices following a successful pilot program that has been in place since last fall involving 6,500 missionaries in 30 missions in the United States and Japan.

The Best Free Kids’ Outing in Provo Just Reopened

Studio C's Matt Meese visits the newly renovated Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, where he worked when he was a BYU ...


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