As I increased in understanding of what Jesus Christ has done and what He offers, the more clearly I saw that even my grandest mortal efforts could never save me. What a relief it was to have the burden of my salvation lifted from my feeble shoulders.
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More Line upon Line Features
Thriving through the ‘spiritual health crisis,’ psychologist teaches during Marjorie Pay Hinckley lecture
Psychology professor Pamela Ebstyne King shared ways that religion and spirituality impact human well-being.
The Screwtape “Text Messages” #3: Just Rely on the AI Bot
"The father is enamored with information technology, especially artificial intelligence. He has been spending time fooling around with ChatGPT and exploring its capabilities. You need to convince him of two things. First, that he is too busy to help his son write a good church talk. Second, that they could never write as good a talk as ChatGPT can generate in a few seconds."
Sadie Finds Her Smile
BYU recently restored and remastered the wrestling film Takedown which I co-wrote with Academy Award winner Kieth Merrill. It seems like it was yesterday but the film was shot more than forty-five years ago. I was only twenty- nine years old at the time looking for something I could enjoy.
When My Young Women Had an Unanswerable Question
I admired their earnest faces, looked at their eager eyes, and appreciated the sincerity of their direct question and their honest desire to be obedient. I had my opinion about the issue, but because I felt that the sincerity of their desire warranted an authentic, doctrinal response, I stalled. I commended them for their righteous desire to know, and I told them that I would seek an authoritative answer and get back to them.
How Love Differs from Charity
The meaning we attribute to the word love becomes important when we consider the commandment to love one another or to love our neighbor as ourselves.
VIDEO: Choosing Eternal Families Over Modern-Day “Idols”
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most. The world offers us countless temptations—titles, possessions, and achievements—but they cannot fill the eternal space within our souls.