Breck England, product architect and consultant for FranklinCovey Company, earned a bachelor’s degree in Medieval History and master’s and PhD in English and literary theory from the University of Utah.An appointment in his college years as an assistant researcher to the Church historian led to the publication of numerous articles. The Life and Thought of Orson Pratt, a biography of the early LDS apostle, won the Best First Book award of the Mormon History Association. In the business world, he has taught at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School and authored books on organizational leadership, strategy, and communication issues.Breck served a mission in Paris, France, and since then as a bishop’s counselor, ward clerk, elders quorum president, high priests group leader, Institute and Gospel Doctrine teacher, and member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He belongs to the Canyon Park Ward in Bountiful, Utah, where he lives with his wife Valerie. They have five children and eight beautiful grandchildren.
"Behold, the field is white already to harvest; therefore, who…
The word “desire” appears eight times in Doctrine and Covenants…
Doctrine & Covenants 4 announces "a marvelous work and a…
Join us for our new podcast series THE DEWS OF…
The latest episode of the "Encircled in the Arms of…
In Mormon 1-6, the Nephite nation was destroyed because they…
The ministry of Jesus Christ was divided into two parts:…
3 Nephi describes the turmoil preceding the coming of Christ.…
The story of the armies of Helaman is a profound…
Arguments about the authenticity of the Book of Mormon having…
When the sons of Mosiah teach the gospel, they show…
This lesson is a tale of two cities: Ammonihah of…
This episode can enhance your recent "Come Follow Me" readings…
Most of us know what it means to feel low.…
As we learn in the temple, the Lord extends his…
The occasion of King Benjamin’s final sermon was probably the…
Many gospel teachers have explained Jacob’s allegory of the tame…
There are two temples in the scriptures--the true temple and…
In 2 Nephi 1, Lehi announces to his family that…
In this week's podcast, we discuss 1 Nephi, which recounts…
What is the meaning of the many symbols in Lehi's…
This year as the members of the Church study the…
Revelation 22:5 says, “And they [the saints] shall reign forever…
At the end of Revelation there is a wedding, a…
In Revelation 19, we read, "Let us be glad and…
In Revelation 21, the apostle John sees a giant glittering…
Peter encourages the Saints to “greatly rejoice” even while living…
What happens to the faithful once the last judgment is…
In Revelation 20:12, John "saw the dead, small and great,…
We are now in chapter 20 of Revelation. We’re at…
We’re now into Revelation chapter 20. Jesus returns to earth…
Paul challenges us to “be an example of the believers”…
"Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the…
Now the Bridegroom appears on the scene, and John describes…
“I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast,…
“How do I know when I’m feeling the Spirit of…
One Passover Eve long ago, priests in the ancient temple…
In Revelation chapter 14, three heavenly messengers confront the Dragon…
In Revelation 13, the followers of the Beast receive “a…
In Revelation 13, the apostle John has a vision of…
Without charity, we are “nothing,” says the Apostle Paul. We…
In Revelation 12, we see in the sky the vision…
Revelation 12:7 says "there was war in heaven.” As in…
In Revelation chapter 11, two witnesses appear in Jerusalem, and…
When the fourth and fifth trumpets sound, new judgments fall…
When the 6th trumpet sounds in the book of Revelation,…
In Acts 1-5 Luke gives the account of the 40-day…
In this episode of my podcast on the book of…
The scriptures say that only after "great tribulation come the…
When the Lamb opens the seventh seal in the book…
John 14-17 is an account of the first sacrament meeting.…
The sixth seal reveals a world haunted by war and a sense of…
When the Lord opens the fifth seal, John has a…
The four horsemen portray the four sources of tribulation in…
No matter where we stand now, our Father is pleading…
The accounts in these chapters of miraculous healings testify of…
After being filled with the Holy Ghost at His baptism,…
As teachers of the gospel, we are like Matthew and…
Most people would say that “holy” means more than “good”…
The Lord commanded Hosea to name his firstborn son Jezreel,…
What difference does it make to us individually to understand…
But this description fits all of us at one time…
Maybe you don’t know what a guilty conscience feels like,…
Many now use the term “Babylonian Captivity” to describe any…
The temple is the great symbol of the eternal kingdom…
Although Moses blessed Joshua with encouragement and strength, the Lord…
There are two kinds of people: Those who repent, and…
For covenant Israel, the Passover feast marks the end of…
When Isaac blessed his son Jacob, he became the “birthright…
We can learn from the story of Noah how to…
When we study the Articles of Faith, we should ask…
If we observe the order decreed in heaven, we will…
In the early morning hours of April 26, 1839, seven…
The real purpose of Zion’s Camp was to test the…
Anciently, God commanded the children of Israel to abstain from…
Jesus Christ came into the world to ease our burdens.…
Jesus Christ has promised us “the riches of eternity” if…
For the early Saints, the invitation to come up to…
Although section 45 contains alarming prophecies of conditions prior to…
What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How does it…
This lesson is about “the rise of the Church of…
The word “desire” appears eight times in Doctrine and Covenants…
A pandemic of hatred has infected the world we live…
A “veil of unbelief” separates us from our Savior Jesus…
The ministry of Jesus Christ was divided into two parts:…
Disciples of Christ love the idea of His coming. He…
The story of the armies of Helaman is a profound…
Much of the world feels no need for repentance. The…
This lesson is a tale of two cities: Ammonihah of…
Each year the Saints gather during the autumn season in…
Nephi’s record of the writings of Isaiah make up the…
The Lord provides apocalyptic visions particularly to dispensational prophets so…
How many of “as we make our journey” through life…
The question of who holds the keys to govern the…
Zechariah and Malachi describe the sequence of events that will…
Every week we have the sacred privilege of coming unto…
It was a bleak and hopeless time. Scattered Israel had…
The book of Isaiah has been called a “fifth gospel”…
The question posed by this lesson is how does the…
The book of Hosea is a grand parable of the…
In the Near East, the 8th and 7th centuries BCE were much…
What we call the Old Testament, Jesus referred to as…
In the latter days, the Lord gave the same promise…
What we call the Old Testament Jesus referred to as…
The stories of the kings Saul and David have particular…
As we study the book of Joshua, we learn about…
After the Israelites left Egypt, the Lord invited them to…
"Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born"
Jesus Christ is the center of the family. If Christ…
"We believe that governments were instituted of God for the…
The Doctrine Covenants is an invitation for people everywhere to…
We learn from the Book of Mormon that our whole…
The Saints' journey west parallels in some ways our journey…
The Doctrine and Covenants is an invitation to all people…
The Doctrine and Covenants is an invitation to all people…
The purpose of the Atonement of our Savior is to…
Why has God asked us to honor the Sabbath day?…
The Doctrine and Covenants is an invitation to all people…
This lesson is an invitation to all people everywhere to…
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself speaks to us in the…
Moroni, the son of Mormon, spent the last years of…
Within the space of 400 years, the people of Lehi…
One of the most remarkable events in sacred history was…
The central purpose of the Book of Mormon is to…
The most sublime poem in all the Book of Mormon,…
The book of Revelation recounts the great culmination of the…
The great missionary apostle Paul established the Church in many…
The whole purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is…
Paul's second mission was truly epic in scope. He traveled…
In this lesson, Jesus reveals himself as the resurrected Lord…
In this lesson, the Lord institutes the Sacrament to help…
Through Jesus Christ we are raised not only from the…
When the Jews observed the new year, which for them…
Just as the Lord veils himself from the natural eye,…
Zechariah and Malachi describe the sequence of events that will…
Imagine being denied access to the sacrament table. Imagine losing…
The question posed by this lesson is how does the…
The book of Isaiah has been called a “fifth gospel”…
In the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, after nearly two…
The Lord intends everything in the Old Testament to bring…
Solomon, third king of all Israel, is most notable for…
The stories of the kings Saul and David have particular…
As we study the book of Joshua, we learn about…
After the Israelites left Egypt, the Lord invited them to…
"I am the law and the light. Look unto me,…
Those who are faithful to their covenants are promised all…
"The Saratov Approach" is quietly making history. The real-life story…
In this lesson we explore the story of Noah's Ark…
Abraham 3 is one of the most precious revelations ever…
Jesus Christ is the center of the family. When we…
"We believe that governments were instituted of God for the…
The Doctrine Covenants is an invitation for people everywhere to…
There is only one place in this world where we…
Within four days of arriving in the Salt Lake valley,…
According to his non-Mormon lawyer, Joseph said on the morning…
The scriptures teach us that this telestial sphere serves us…
D&C 84:33-44; 107; 121:34-36 - The task of the two…
Many forces are at work attempting to undermine the faith…
Joseph Smith faced the dilemma of every honest soul who…
Because we are vulnerable ourselves, we cannot stand alone without…
Because we are vulnerable ourselves, we cannot stand alone without…
Plenty of books are written for LDS teens, but not…
Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might…
Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might…
One of the greatest discourses ever given on the subject…
One of the greatest discourses ever given on the subject…
One of the greatest discourses ever given on the subject…
We examine the Book of Mormon with a great sense…
In the Apocalypse of Nephi, the prophet sees mankind following…
Joseph Smith once "told the brethren that the Book of…
The book of Revelation recounts the great culmination of the…
In the epistles of Peter we have broad and powerful…
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is…
If we are to become like the Savior, then we…
The great missionary apostle Paul established the Church in many…
The whole purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is…
Paul's second missionary journey was epic in scope.
"Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter…
In this lesson, Jesus reveals himself as the resurrected Lord…
In this lesson, the Lord institutes the Sacrament to help…
In his final sermon to His followers before the dark…
"O Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me."
President Hinckley said, "I know of no more beautiful story…
When the Jews observed the new year, which for them…
Our lesson begins with the crucial question the disciples asked…
Just as the Lord veils himself from the natural eye,…
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy…
When Jesus returned from his 40-day ordeal in the wilderness,…
Imagine being denied access to the sacrament table. Imagine losing…
Because of his dependence on the Lord, Daniel came to…
Our goal in life is to "come unto Christ and…
Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History; D&C…
The book of Hosea is a grand parable of the…
In the Near East, the 8th and 7th centuries BC…
Solomon, third king of all Israel, is most notable for…
I am the law and the light. Look unto me,…
The stories of the kings Saul and David have particular…