The following are links to all the Come Follow Me materials for the 2019 New Testament curriculum. To see the Book of Mormon materials for 2020, CLICK HERE.
Week of December 23-29
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things”, Revelations 12-22
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
As we move forward to 2020, take some time to think about how you will approach your scripture study this year. When and how will you feast? What will it consist of?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things”: Revelation 12-22
by Breck England
The Lord provides apocalyptic visions particularly to dispensational prophets so they can in turn teach us the Father’s plan in all its comprehensive breadth. John’s Revelation helped early Christians understand the plan in their own idiom. Today we are less familiar with those symbols and rituals, so a little research helps to make sense of the message of Revelation.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #50–“He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things”, Revelation 12-22
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Here’s the latest breaking news: The major war that was going on in the pre-mortal world between the forces of Lucifer and the forces of Michael has continued-but it has changed locations. All of Lucifer’s forces have been moved to this earth and continue to wage war against the Saints and the followers of Christ and His Gospel.
Week of December 16-22
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Christmas
by Michael Chaffee
What is the spirit of Christmas and why is it so important? President Thomas S. Monson answered this very question in his 2011 Christmas Devotional address. He stated, “When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the Spirit of Christ, for the Christmas spirit is the Christ Spirit.”
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Hope Where Once Was None”
by Isaac Calvert
Christmas is about finding hope where perhaps there once was none. There is a story I feel to tell this Christmas season. It is not one we share too often, but I feel to do so now not for its novelty but for its truth.
Come Follow Me Podcast #49—“Good Tidings of Great Joy”
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
For a few minutes you can leave the hustle of the season behind, while we take you to Bethlehem, a place we’ve spent much time. Come on an armchair journey.
Week of December 9-15
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”, Revelations 1-11
by Adam and Eva Timothy
As we come to an end of the New Testament we find that we have come full circle from Genesis. The days that marked creation are now marked by angels, trumpets and destruction that is meant to prepare the earth for its sanctification and Celestial glory.
Come, Follow Me—Podcast #48 “Glory, and Power, Be unto…the Lamb for Ever”, Revelation 1-11
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
There is often a certain dread that comes over us as we approach a thorough study of John’s Book of Revelation. In this week’s podcast and in one more lesson on Revelation to follow, we will give you some tools and some thoughts that will help you unlock this great book.
Week of December 2-8
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: “God is Love”, 1-3 John, Jude
by Catherine K. Arveseth
1 John is one of my favorite books in all of scripture. It brings us right home to God’s nature, who He is, and what He is about. The truth that God is love is an overarching theme woven into almost every verse. Who better to teach this principle than John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved?”
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “God Is Love”, 1-3 John; Jude
by Diana Webb
The epistles of 2-3 John deal specifically with topic of dissension among the community of believers. First John, however, does not directly address the topic of the saints’ departure from the truth, but is instead is a sermon on love. Perhaps this is an indication of what John saw as the primary reason for the problems that arose among them.
Come Follow Me—Podcast #47 “God is Love” 1-3 John; Jude
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
John is described as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”, and it may be no surprise that he gives us a deeper look into what it means to love and how it is done. Of all the things I want and hope for in this world, it is to learn how to be a person filled with love, but self creeps in at every turn. Let’s turn to John for help.
Week of November 25-December 1
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory”, 1 & 2 Peter
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
What if I had Christ-like confidence in everything I did? To me, Christ-like confidence comes because of my faith in Christ. Faith that because of Christ I can prevail over my sins, weaknesses, and death, that mourning can turn to joy. If I went into every situation knowing that everything would work out for my good–eventually, would I handle things differently?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory”, 1 and 2 Peter
by Breck England
Peter encourages the Saints to “greatly rejoice” even while living with persecutions and the enticements of the pagan, worldly empire around them. How can we find joy during times of trial and suffering? It seems contradictory.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #46 — “Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory”, 1 and 2 Peter
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
We know so much about the apostle Peter. He is a hero to many of us. He is the one who stepped so quickly forward to action. He is the one who boldly testified that Jesus is the Christ. But how much do we know about the two epistles that he wrote before his martyrdom? Let’s do some exploring this week and see what we can learn together.
Week of November 18-24
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, James
by Jodi Chaffee
This verse in James struck me while Michael and I were prayerfully deciding whether he should quit his job back in April. “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). I printed it out and posted it on my wall so I could remind myself of the importance of being determined and taking ownership of my decisions.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, James
by Isaac Calvert
Words—spoken words—have a power so potent as to be worthy of both story and song. James teaches this truth throughout his short five chapters. He says, our words, though small, are clothed in immense power. But that power can serve ends both good and ill.
Come Follow Me Podcast #45 – “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, James
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Of the three men named James in the New Testament, which one wrote the Book of James? And another question: Is James actually a Hebrew name anyway?
Week of November 11-17
Come Follow Me Podcast #44—“An High Priest of Good Things to Come”, Hebrews 7-13
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
When I was in college, my great desire was to develop an unshakeable faith, and so I tried many things. I went up the canyon hoping to be alone with God and pray for an hour, but I ran out of things to say in ten minutes. But things began to open up for me when I read what Paul wrote in the magnificent Hebrews 11 about faith. Let’s explore today.
Week of November 4-10
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Jesus Christ, “The Author of Eternal Salvation”, Hebrews 1-6
by Catherine K. Arveseth
Did the Hebrews have to give up their earlier beliefs and history? Not necessarily. But they had to identify and embrace Christ as the Messiah, as the Anointed One who would fulfill the Law of Moses, and assume a place higher than the angels, and higher than Moses.
Come, Follow Mr for Sunday School: Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”, Hebrews 1-6
by Diana Webb
One reason that the book of Hebrews was written was to encourage Jewish converts to remain faithful to Jesus Christ and not revert to their former Jewish ways. As they experienced trials of their faith, they may at times have wondered if they should abandon their faith.
Come Follow Me Podcast #43—“Jesus Christ, ‘the Author of Eternal Salvation’”—Hebrews 1-6
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Who wrote the epistle to the Hebrews—Paul or somebody else? It has been a centuries old debate that Joseph Smith had an answer for.
Week of October 28-November 3
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Be Thou an Example of the Believers”
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
The power of social media is staggering, and it can be used for blessing spiritual well-being. Have you ever considered your use of social media as a ‘gigantic responsibility’?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
by Breck England
Paul challenges us to “be an example of the believers” (1 Tim. 4:12). How do we do this? How can we become model followers of Jesus Christ, so that others will find in our example relevance and meaning for their own lives?
Come, Follow Me Podcast #42: “Be Thou an Example of the Believers”, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
What would you say to your beloved friends and followers if you knew this was the last time you would ever speak to them? Such is the case with 2 Timothy as Paul has his last words penned by a scribe from a dungeon in Rome. Paul’s words to Timothy, and of course from his other letters, would change the entire world.
Week of October 21-27
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: 1 and 2 Thessalonians
by Jodi Chaffee
When I think about the importance of sanctification and holiness, I think of things that are set apart for sacred things. I think of the temple, and how it is set apart from the world. I wonder what it takes to truly be humble enough for us to be so holy.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind, or Be Troubled”
by Isaac Calvert
“Holiness,” said one student, a freshman, when I’d asked the class for a definition, “isn’t just what happens before something else. That preparation is key, but it’s not the end. The most important part of holiness is what happens afterward. It’s the reflection you do about what you’ve learned. It’s how you treasure it once you’ve received it.”
Come Follow Me Podcast #41 “Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind or be Troubled”, 1 and 2 Thessalonians
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
We have many sicknesses today in our tumultuous world, but Paul aptly labels one of the most pervasive and contagious. We’ll call it the “shaken in mind” syndrome. Being “shaken in mind” is as deadly as it sounds.
Week of October 14-20
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me”, Philippians and Colossians
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
This week while reading Philippians and Colossians I found myself thinking about Paul and wondering what he would recommend if he spent a day in our home. What if he came to observe our family dynamics, the feeling in our home, our parenting, our struggles, our strengths? With the experiences that he had in his life and his perspective, what would he have to say to us?
Come, Follow Me Podcast #40: “I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me”, Philippians and Colossians
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
This week we will be looking at the small epistle of Paul to the Philippians and another even smaller epistle to the Colossians—those living in Colossae. And we will be looking at one particular very wonderful thing Paul taught: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Week of September 30-Oct 13
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “For the Perfecting of the Saints” Ephesians
by Catherine K. Arveseth
Ephesians is a deeply spiritual sermon where Paul does not have to address any major crises in Ephesus, but is teaching them higher ways of living and deepening their conversion. Here are some suggestions for studying these truths with your family.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “For the Perfecting of the Saints”, Ephesians
by Diana Webb
Even though this is a relatively short letter, Paul covers a number of topics which center around the phrase “in Christ.” Paul uses this phrase 85 times in his epistles, so it is apparent that this concept is important to him.
Come Follow Me Podcast #39 “For the Perfecting of the Saints”, Ephesians
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Being a stranger in the world is what it means to be without Christ in our journey. A stranger in the world is exiled from Him and from home. That would be lonely, indeed.
Week of September 23-29
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Walk with the Spirit” Galatians
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
How often do miracles occur in your life? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Or is it more like–from time to time? And what do you consider a ‘miracle’? We have had two experiences in our family this past month that are worth mentioning as ‘miracles’. They are not unique, but they were tender mercies from the Lord.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Walk in the Spirit”, Galatians 1-6
by Breck England
“How do I know when I’m feeling the Spirit of the Lord?” A common question. Paul’s letter to the Galatians gives a great answer. Let’s examine the fruits of the Spirit more closely and ponder what Paul meant by them.
Week of September 16-22
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver” 2 Corinthians 8-13
by Isaac Calvert
In the chapters for this week, Paul goes to some lengths to describe the simplicity of the Way of Christ. From outlining the standard of knowing the truth by two or three witnesses to discerning true messengers from those who only pretend to be, he warns his readers to beware anything that could pull them away from Christ’s simplicity.
Come Follow Me Podcast 37, “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver” 2 Corinthians 8-13
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
In this book of 2 Corinthians we come nearest to the inner feelings of Paul than in any other of his writings. As one writer said, here Paul reveals his “joy and depression, anxiety and hope, trust and resentment, anger and love.”. We see his human qualities. Some writers have suggested that one of the best words to describe 2 Corinthians is that it is a defense. What would Paul have to defend? We’ll find out in this week’s podcast.
Week of September 2-8
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: “God is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace”, 1 Corinthians 14-16
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
Maybe because the people were so bad, the Corinthian books are so good. They are full of wisdom, with gems of elevated living that remind us again and again how we should be. Although Christ’s restored church has been thriving now for almost 200 years now, we still experience the same challenges and temptations the Saints of Corinth faced. When we encounter these difficulties, it is helpful to remember the title of this week’s lesson: “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.”
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace”, 1 Corinthians 14-16
by Diana Webb
When I was younger, I was taught the difference between Pharisees and Sadducees. “The Pharisees believe in the resurrection, but the Sadducees do not. That is why they are “sad you see.” They, like many Greeks, do not even believe in any form of existence after death. Sadly, many moderns feel the same way. I noted this fact, but didn’t understand why anyone would NOT believe in the resurrection, when they knew about it, because it is such wonderful news. Understanding their historical context may shed a little light on the subject.
Come Follow Me Podcast #35 “God is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace”, 1 Corinthians 14-16
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
In 1 Corinthians, Paul is addressing early converts to the Church who brought with them baggage and false ideas from their previous beliefs. To make matters even more difficult, they were far away from any central administration of the Church and so old ideas, firmly entrenched in their minds could clash with the gospel. Among these new converts were polytheistic Gentiles who had once worshipped idols, Jews who held to the Mosaic law, and all of the ideas influenced by the philosophies of Greece. How did Paul handle this whirlwind of opinions? We’ll see today.
Week of August 26-September 1
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: “Ye Are the Body of Christ”, 1 Corinthians 8-13
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
Presently I am an early morning seminary teacher, and my local Church Education System (CES) director continually encourages us to help our students to get the gospel principles into their heads, hearts and then into their feet. What he means by this is for them to reflect on what they learn, (in their heads), consider what they felt, (in their hearts), and then decide what they will do about it when they leave the class (in their feet). Mind, heart and feet. It is a process to put into action the principles and doctrines learned from the scriptures.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Ye Are the Body of Christ”, 1 Corinthians 8-13
by Breck England
Without charity, we are “nothing,” says the Apostle Paul. We may speak with the tongues of angels, we may have the gift of prophecy, we may understand all mysteries and all knowledge, we may have all faith, we may give ourselves up to martyrdom, we may even give away everything we have to the poor; but without charity, none of this matters.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #34 “Ye Are the Body of Christ”, 1 Corinthians 8-13
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
This week’s readings include some of the most important teachings in all the scriptures. You’re familiar with them: Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I AM NOTHING. We’re excited to explore this most coveted gift from the heavens today.
Week of August 19-25
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Be Perfectly Joined Together”, 1 Corinthians 1-7
by Jodi Chaffee
My invitation to you is that we all start investing ourselves in each others’ stories. That we recognize that we are all part of the Lord’s Church even if we have varying levels of activity and faith. Make a commitment to participate in activities that will foster shared experiences with the members of your Quorums and auxiliaries. Look for opportunities to minister to the members of your ward and community privately so that you all feel a part of something bigger than yourselves.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Be Perfectly Joined Together”, 1 Corinthians 1-7
by Isaac Calvert
In 1 Corinthians 1:25, Paul wrote that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” How many times have we looked at the circumstances of our own lives and asked questions for which we had no answer? I know I have been driven to my knees time and again by lessons I did not want to learn, or at least not in the way God wanted me to learn them. But, as Isaiah said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”
Come Follow Me Podcast #33 “Be Perfectly Joined Together”, 1 Corinthians 1-7
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Corinth was the powerful, bustling, and wicked trade center of the Roman province of Achaia. When Paul wrote what we call 1 Corinthians, to the members there, it wasn’t his first letter to them. That one is lost to us in time, but this second letter, that we call first, was motivated in part, by the concerns of a woman named Chloe and her household, who had written him. We’ll tell you why.
Week of August 12-18
Come, Follow Me Podcast #32 “Overcome Evil with Good” Romans 7-16
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
The Apostle Paul begins in this week’s readings with a bulls-eye on the struggles we have in this mortal experience and then tells us how to free ourselves from this bondage.
Week of August 5-11
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: “The Power of God unto Salvation” Romans 1-6
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
When we read of Paul in the Bible Dictionary, he is defined as “the great apostle” and truly, he was. He was fearless and audacious in his testimony of Jesus. He was relentless in his desires to take the gospel to every nation he could. He was tireless in his efforts, making journey after journey after journey. This week’s lesson begins a study of Paul’s epistle to Roman church members, but their message is universal and applicable to each of us.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Power of God unto Salvation” Romans 1-6
by Diana Webb
Before we begin this week’s study of the first six chapters of Romans, let’s talk about what the head of the Church of Jesus Christ said about Paul’s epistles. In 2 Peter 3:15-16, Peter made the comment that while Paul had “wisdom given unto him” in declaring the “longsuffering of our Lord,” his epistles contain “some things which are hard to be understood.” That might be one of the greatest understatements in the scriptures!
Come Follow Me Podcast #31 “The Power of God Unto Salvation” Romans 1-6
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
The book of Romans has some scriptures that are so familiar to us like “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (Romans 1:16), and at the same time, we may sometimes find it hard to understand what Paul is saying beyond those scriptures we know well. Even Peter described Paul’s writing as “things hard to be understood” (2 Peter 3:16) Let’s dive in and see if we can unwind some of the mystery.
Week of July 29-August 4
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “A Minister and a Witness”, Acts 22-28
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
This week’s lesson is about ministering. Our family is learning about this in a roundabout way, but the experience drives home the importance of ministering without condition or judgement. We do it because we can. Paul was a great example of ministering to everyone and anyone who would listen to him. He continually helped others and then witnessed to them of God’s love by teaching them of Jesus Christ and His resurrection and atonement. His acts teach us what our acts should be.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “A Minister and a Witness”, Acts 22-28
by Breck England
How many of “as we make our journey” through life have experienced a transforming moment? Have we encountered Jesus Christ on our path? Have we asked the question “Who art thou, Lord?” and received the answer we seek? Paul did not seek that experience, but we have the privilege of seeking it for ourselves.
Come Follow Me Podcast #30 “A Minister and a Witness” Acts 22-28
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Ananias of Damascus received a commission from the Lord Himself to go and give Saul of Taursus a blessing. He understandably questioned the Lord about Saul because of his reputation of doing the Saints harm wherever he went. The Lord said to Ananias: “Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel…” (Acts 9:15) In this week’s lesson we find this prophecy of bearing witness of the Lord before Kings already being fulfilled. Paul’s testimony would reverberate throughout the world.
Week of July 22-28
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Acts 16-21, “The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel”
by Jodi Chaffee
Paul taught the people that we are children of God in an effort to help the polytheistic Greeks understand the role of the “Unknown God”. He wanted them to understand that the true and living God created all things. This God “dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things” meaning that He can’t be appeased by crafted idols (Acts 17:24-25). He is also our Father, and we are made in His image.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Acts 16-21, “The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel”
by Isaac Calvert
This part of the New Testament has always been difficult for me to understand. The language of Acts, though not quite as complicated as some of Paul’s letters later on, seems a bit trickier than the straightforward plainness of the four Gospels. And yet, I’ve found a few things that have helped me along the way.
Come Follow Me #29 “The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel” Acts 16-21
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Why does Joseph Smith directly compare himself to Paul? What did he see in Paul’s experience that made him feel that the two held so much in common?
Week of July 15-21
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “The Word of God Grew and Multiplied”, Acts 10-15
by Adam and Eva Timothy
Our family has loved reading together in the book of Acts and learning how Christ’s disciples figured things out for themselves after His resurrection. In chapter 12 we read of Peter’s capture and the prayers of the early Saints on behalf of their Prophet, having just witnessed the martyrdoms of James and Stephen.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #28: “The Word of God Grew and Multiplied” Acts 10-15
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Preaching the gospel had been restricted during Christ’s ministry, with few exceptions, to the House and children of Israel. In a series of days on the beautiful coast of the Mediterranean Sea—all that would change. It reminds us of a very special day in June of 1978—a day never to be forgotten. What we’re going to see in this week’s lesson is a series of amazing heavenly manifestations—but just as importantly—we’re going to see the precise timing of the Lord.
Week of July 8-14
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: Lesson Helps for Acts 6-9, “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?”
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
As Acts 6 begins, the Lord’s apostles recognize that with increased membership and growth, the Church needs additional support and leadership. Just as we, in the latter-day Church adapt to progress and circumstances, so did the early Church.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?”, Acts 6-9
by Diana Webb
As the number of disciples grew, the Twelve chose and set apart seven men to assist them in ministering to widows and those in need, two of whom were Stephen and Philip. “Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders among the people”. Certain men hired false witnesses to speak against Stephen, and he was tried before the Sanhedrin. They accused him of attempting to change the customs and rites of the law of Moses, and of threatening to destroy the temple.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #27 “What Wilt Thou Have Me Do?” Acts 6-9
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
What is this surprise in the nature of Paul that he can go from “breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of Christ” one day and be a submissive disciple of Christ the next? Of course, he had this stupendous vision on the road to Damascus, but is there something more we can learn about the life of Paul, itself, that can give us cues to his energy and passion?
Week of July 1-7
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me” Acts 1-5
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
What would you say is the most significant contributing factor to spiritual growth and revelation? Would it be reading and studying the scriptures? Prayer? These things are indispensable. How about temple work? Or bearing testimony? Repentance? All have a place, but I submit that it just might be pondering and meditating that contribute most significantly to receiving revelation and our spiritual growth.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me” Acts 1-5
by Breck England
In Acts 1-5 Luke gives the account of the 40-day ministry of Christ after the resurrection, the outpouring of the Spirit upon the apostles at the feast of Pentecost, and the miraculous healing of a lame man. In this inspiring story, we learn how to testify and teach the gospel as the apostles did. We learn about apostolic succession and the gift of tongues. We learn about the importance of “looking unto” the Lord and His apostles for the miracles we need in life. And all of these lessons are focused on one place—the Temple.
Come Follow Me Podcast #26—“Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me”, Acts 1-5
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
For many people, one of the most enigmatic and mysterious parts of the life of Christ, comes after His resurrection when He spent forty days teaching the Apostles. What was the instruction that He gave them and is there some way to learn more? Do any sources give us a window into that teaching?
Week of June 24-30
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “He is Risen” Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21
by Jodi Chaffee
How do I write an adequate commentary about the resurrection or the days following? My understanding of the resurrection has certainly matured over the years. I used to only understand it in a temporal or physical sense. I thought it was pretty cool that my dad would get his hair, my friend would be able to walk, and even my sweet Michael will have a perfect back. Those things are certainly blessings, but they are only just the beginning of what the resurrection will bring.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “He is Risen” Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21
by Isaac Calvert
You’ve probably seen paintings, watched movies and even just plain read this story so many times. Mary comes to the tomb to find it empty. Then, after telling Peter and John about it, she sits there all alone for a while, crying for probably a million reasons, before (after being comforted by a couple of angels) someone comes to quietly stand behind her. Here is a detail about the story you may not know.
Come Follow Me Podcast #25 “He is Risen” Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
We’ve all been studying the life and mortal mission of Jesus Christ for the past six months. Don’t you agree that you feel closer to the Savior now than you did at the beginning of your studies? This week’s lesson has some surprises and is the culmination of the Savior’s perfect ministry. How would you have felt if you had come to the tomb early that Sunday morning after your own pain and sorrow at the loss of Jesus—and you looked in only to find it empty?
Week of June 17-23
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: “It is Finished” Matthew 27; Mark 15: Luke 23; John 19
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
A few months ago, we watched in agony as Notre Dame was engulfed in flames. We feared the worst, from across the world, hearing commentary about its seemingly inevitable destruction. In the darkness of those unknown hours, it seemed likely that the priceless art and relics would burn up into the black Paris sky. That we would wake to a heap of ashes where, for centuries, beauty had stood. In Isaiah, Christ promises us that He will give us Beauty for Ashes.
Come Follow Me—Podcast #24 “It is Finished” Matthew 27; Mark 15: Luke 23; John 19
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
As Jesus finished the agony of the atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane, perhaps He could already see the string of torchlights coming up the mount, a multitude of armed soldiers, from the High Priest, led by Judas, intent on arresting Jesus. How heartbreaking to be betrayed by a kiss from a friend. If ever we have felt betrayed we can know that Jesus has been there before us.
Week of June 10-16
Come, Follow Me for Families and Individuals: Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 18
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
At this point in the New Testament narrative, it is Passover. People from all parts of the country are gathering to participate in high holy week at Jerusalem. The city is abuzz with celebratory preparations, but seething in dark councils and hearts, the conspiracy to apprehend Jesus unfolds. Chief priests and scribes are plotting vigilantly how they can put Jesus to death. There seems to be a standing order whenever, or wherever, He appears, to arrest Him. But Jewish leadership had to be sly and calculating about it, for as Luke says, “they feared the people”.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 18 “Not as I Will, but as Thou Wilt”
by Diana Webb
The most important events of eternity often pass without much worldly attention. Such were the events in the Garden of Gethsemane. Peter, James, and John were the only witnesses to the transcendent suffering of the Savior, and even they slept through much of it. His decision to accept the bitter cup had ramifications for every person who had ever lived, and yet, except for these three, no one alive was aware of what was happening.
Come Follow Me Podcast #23 “Not as I Will, but as Thou Wilt”; Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 18
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “That first Easter sequence of Atonement and Resurrection constitutes the most consequential moment, the most generous gift, the most excruciating pain, and the most majestic manifestation of pure love ever to be demonstrated in the history of this world.” In this week’s podcast episode, we explore those sacred moments in Gethsemane when Jesus Christ wrought the mighty atonement for us all.
Week of June 3-9
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: John 13-17, “Continue Ye in My Love”
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
What does it mean to ‘continue in my love’? Jesus showed us the example of how to love others. His way was to minister to them. He was always ministering. Even on the night when He would fulfill the Atonement for us, He spent the evening serving His disciples. So to ‘continue in his love’ would, at least in part, mean to minister as He ministered and to focus outwardly. How do we do it?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Continue Ye in My Love”, John 13-17
by Breck England
John 13-17 is an account of the first sacrament meeting. What do we learn from the greatest sacrament meeting talk ever given?
Come Follow Me—Podcast #22 “Continue Ye in My Love”, John 13-17
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Did you know that the preparation for the Last Supper began with a miracle? It’s subtle, and most readers of the account will not see it—but when you understand the culture and the setting of the time, it’s obvious and it’s amazing. This week’s podcast explores the setting and doctrine of the Last Supper.
Week of May 27-June 2
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Joseph Smith—Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21
by Jodi Chaffee
It’s easy to get caught up in the prophesies and looking for signs that the end is near. However, don’t we already know that we are in the Last Days? Don’t we already hear about “wars, and rumors of wars”? Don’t we already see “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places?” We already see “the love of men [waxing] cold”. We already know that the end is near. So what should we be doing?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Son of Man Shall Come”, Joseph Smith—Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21
by Isaac Calvert
Whatever the case, whenever the era, it seems the world is almost constantly in search of a Savior. But the hard truth is that, no matter who they choose or imagine, if it isn’t Jesus of Nazareth, it doesn’t ever really work out. The Lord, of course, knew all this would happen, and spoke all about it in the New Testament. So, knowing of the calamity and confusion that would plague our dispensation, the Lord gave (among many others) some good advice that would help us in these trying times.
Come Follow Me—Podcast 21 “The Son of Man Shall Come”, Joseph Smith-Matthew 1, Matthew 25; Mark 12-13; Luke 21
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Do we have any precedent in the Gospel or in history where a people were preparing for the coming of the Lord; they knew He was coming; they knew where He was coming; they even prepared a place for Him to come—and then He came? Of course we see this in the Book of Mormon—but is the same pattern happening in our time? We’re going to explore this question in this podcast.
Week of May 20-26
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Behold, Thy King Cometh”, Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
In the scripture passages for this week there seems to be a common theme of Christ coming out strong against hypocrisy. From the parable of the fig tree, to the whited sepulcher, to the condemning of phylacteries it seems that Jesus is fed up. He has tried to get through to these hypocrites in a myriad of ways, but no number of miracles or powerful teaching have seemed to sink in to those who are mostly concerned with the approval of men and the appearance of exactness.
Come Follow Me Podcast #20, “Behold, thy King Cometh”, Matthew 21-23, Mark 11, Luke 19, 20; John 12
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Jesus once told Mary at Cana that “Mine hour hath not yet come,” but now as we start this lesson that has changed as we take you to the beginning of the last week of His mortal life. Now he will say, “Mine hour hath come,” a statement that will break His followers hearts and have implications for every one of us.
Week of May 13-19
Come, Follow Me For Individuals and Families: “What Lack I Yet?” Matthew 19-20; Mark 10; Luke 18
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
This story of the rich young ruler always gives me pause. I find myself wondering, could I give it all up? Could I sell everything I had and give it to the poor? Could I leave a life I knew behind and follow the Lord?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “What Lack I Yet?”, Matthew 19-20; Mark 10; Luke 18
by Diana Webb
The world’s views on marriage differ greatly from eternal truth. In Matthew 19:3-9, the eternal truths regarding God’s views on marriage are clearly laid out by the Savior. God created male and female in his own image, and exhorted them to multiply and fill the earth. The Lord ordained marriage and families. “They twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation” (D&C 42:15-16).
Come, Follow Me Podcast #19, “What Lack I Yet?”, Matthew 19-20; Mark 10; Luke 18
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Many questions were posed to the Savior during His mortal ministry. If you had the chance to ask Him one question, in person, what would that question be? In this week’s lesson we have a very powerful question asked of the Lord face to face in his ministry and it’s worth all of us pondering about this specific question.
Week of May 6-12
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Rejoice with Me; for I have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
When a young child is learning to walk, falling down is a part of the process. No one chastises the child or points out his incompetence for succumbing to the law of gravity. Quite the opposite. Parents, loved ones and even strangers offer encouragement and positive motivation for the child to continue to increase in strength and try repeatedly to take those first steps independent and unassisted.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Luke 12-17; John 11
by Breck England
No matter where we stand now, our Father is pleading with us to repent—to come back to Him. He is calling, waiting, and hoping. Furthermore, our greatest work in this life is to help with this gathering of the Lord’s family, also known as “the house of Israel.” The magnitude of this work is truly breathtaking. It fulfills promises made thousands of years ago.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #18, “Rejoice with Me for I Have Found My Sheep Which Was Lost”, Luke 12-17, John 11
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Have you ever given a party, invited many people, and no one came? In this week’s chapters, we’ll explore a parable about a great feast and how, when invited, many people found shoddy excuses not to attend. As we hear this story, it seems so strange that anyone would find any reason to miss a marvelous feast put on by the Lord, but he is talking to us. Are we, knowingly or unknowingly, rejecting wonderful invitations that the Lord offers?
Week of April 29-May 5
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Activities and Lesson Helps for John 7-10
by Jodi Chaffee
When I left on my mission in 2002, I wanted to serve the Lord. I was determined that serving a mission would allow me to develop a personal relationship with Him. That was my goal. By the end of my mission, I wanted to know Him better. There’s an interesting reality about getting to know the Savior better; He manifests Himself most poignantly in adversity, in my experience.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for John 7-10
by Isaac Calvert
One particular day in the synagogue, we lingered on a single topic: the Messiah. And as everyone in the room but me was still waiting for His first appearance, they asked the same question again and again to the rabbi: How will we recognize Him when He comes? How will he dress? What will He look like? His answer, while a pleasant thought, falls short of the glorious truth.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #17, “I am the Good Shepherd”, John 7-10
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Have you ever wondered why John the Beloved included the story of the woman taken in adultery in his record? Surely he had hundreds of stories he could have chosen to complete his testimony—why this particular story? We’re going to explore at least three things about this tender encounter that you may have never seen before.
Week of April 22-28
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Matthew 18; Luke 10
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
The questions to ask God are not so much how we can teach our children the principles in the lesson for the week. Instead we are trying to ask God to help us know how to use the scripture passages for the week to make progress against the challenges in our lives and in our family. How can we use these principles to help our ten-year-old manage her rage? How can these stories help our teenage son be more aware of those around him? How can Christ’s words here help me to develop more patience?
Come Follow Me Podcast #16 — “What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?”, Matthew 18; Luke 10
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
The Lord often requires us to do things that we think sound impossible. Forgive seventy times seven? This does not mean 490 times, but boundless forgiveness, that we travel with forgiveness for those who have wronged us. Forgiveness is not always easy, especially when we have been deeply hurt or wronged, but the Lord’s command to forgive is one that can free and heal our hearts and cultivate boundless love for our neighbors.
Week of April 15-24
A Day-by-Day Guide to Celebrating Easter Week with Your Family
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
It started with one meaningful family Easter tradition. For seven years now, we’ve been honoring that first one and adding new practices. I have listed all of our activities and traditions below, along with a synopsis of what happened each day according to scripture, a list of my favorite readings, and the Bible videos you can watch. Let this be a guide to keeping your family’s Easter week centered on Jesus Christ and the glorious resurrection that this week celebrates.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: One of the Overlooked Beauties of Easter
by Diana Webb
Our hearts are stirred at Easter time as we realize the depths of the love of the Savior for each one of us. We rejoice in the joy of the resurrection and the immortality of all men. But, to me, the essence of the beauty of the Easter story is not only what happened on Calvary and in Gethsemane, but what happened in the “world of spirits, when Christ visited the dead and “liberated the captives.” To me, this is one of the most exquisite beauties of the restored gospel.
Come Follow Me Podcast #15—Easter: “O Grave, Where is Thy Victory?”
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
We love Easter as the most important celebration of the year because it is Jesus Christ’s atonement and resurrection that answers every uncertainty, loosens every bond and supplies every hope for our mortal experience. More people saw the resurrected Jesus than we sometimes realize, including John Murdock, an early convert to The Church of Jesus Christ in Kirtland. He described what Jesus looked like in detail and then said this, “It left on my mind the impression of love, for months, that I never felt before to that degree.”
Week of April 1-14
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Thou Art the Christ”–Matthew 16-17; Mark 9; Luke 9
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
There are so many wonderful things happening within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints right now that I feel to express it as Oliver Cowdery did in 1834 when he said, “These are days never to be forgotten . . . and I shall ever look upon [the] expression of the Savior’s goodness with wonder and thanksgiving. ” The work of the Kingdom of God is rolling forward with accelerated majesty. There are signs all around us that indicate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is getting closer. Do we have eyes to see and ears to hear?
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matthew 16-17, Mark 9, Luke 9
by Breck England
The question of who holds the keys to govern the church of Jesus Christ has always been vitally important. Some Christians believe the pope holds the keys. Others believe the keys were handed down to all the bishops of the Christian world. Still others believe the keys given to Peter and the apostles have nothing to do with governing the church. So what do the keys given to Peter represent? Are they important or not? Are the keys relevant to followers of Christ today?
Come Follow Me Podcast #14–“Thou Art the Christ”, Matthew 16-17; Mark 8-9; Luke 9
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
In Jesus’s teachings, the land of Israel itself becomes his visual aid. That is nowhere more evident than in the teachings he gives in Caesarea Philippi about the rock on which His Church will be built. Learn about that this week as well as the profound answer the Pharisees got who were seeking a sign.
Week of March 25-31
Come, Follow Me for Individuals or Families: Matt 14-15; Mark 6-7; John 5-6
by Jodi Chaffee
This week’s lesson talks about how Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fishes. Even with so little food, Jesus was able to feed so many people. With what little I have to offer, I pray that it will be enough to feed you and give you insight into this week’s lesson! The little bit that we bring to the table in our acts of service and obedience is what allows the Lord to make of us what He would have us become in the process of sharing our gifts and making sacrifices for Him.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matthew 14–15; Mark 6–7; John 5–6
by Isaac Calvert
Here are three important take-aways from this week’s Come, Follow Me chapters; ways we can update these ancient scenarios and liken the people unto ourselves today.
Come Follow Me Podcast #13 “Be Not Afraid”, Matthew 14, 15; Mark 6,7; John 5,6
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Not all of the moments and sayings in the life of Jesus can be read as a sequence of events. We have stories and sayings that we can’t always connect. But in today’s study we can see things in sequence, which adds meaning to the story. This includes the feeding of the 5,000, the rescue of the apostles while they are struggling against great winds on the Sea of Galilee, and the Bread of Life speech which motivated many of Jesus’s followers to desert Him.
Week of March 18-24
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
This week we get to discuss many of the powerful stories that Jesus uses to teach us. I love the way Christ’s parables change to suit our needs and apply at a different level every time we visit them. This week we can re-discover with our children the magic of these teachings and encourage them to want to revisit them over and over again so that they can witness this chameleon magic in their own lives.
Come Follow Me –Podcast 12–“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”, Matthew 13: Luke 8: 13
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Jesus taught in parables both to reveal and conceal truths. There is more in even apparently simple statements than immediately meets the eye in what Jesus taught. What for instance does it mean, “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father”? How about the parable of the wheat and the tares. Why would the Lord advise to let them grow up together? So many fun things to learn in today’s podcast.
Week of March 11-17
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for Matthew 10-12; Mark 2; Luke 7, 11
by Catherine Arveseth
“Word of Jesus’ healing miracles was spreading quickly. Multitudes followed Him, hoping for relief from their sicknesses. But when the Savior looked upon the multitudes, He saw more than their physical ailments. Filled with compassion, He saw “sheep having no shepherd.” Whenever we hear “sheep” in the scriptures, we can think of Jesus’ compassionate efforts to bring all of God’s children into His true fold.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matthew 10-12; Mark 2; Luke 7, 11
by Diana Webb
The authors of the New Testament gospels had to choose their words carefully. They sought to convey the “good news” to the world which was delivered to them by “eyewitnesses” to the ministrations of the Savior. When reading a story in the scriptures, we would be wise to ask, “Why is this author including these details in his gospel? What is the truth he is attempting to convey that I can liken unto my own experience?”
Come Follow Me Podcast #11—“These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth”, Matthew 10-12; Mark 2; Luke 7;11
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
This episode of the Come Follow Me podcast relates many stories that you probably haven’t heard into the calling of an apostle and what today’s apostles say about their own special witness of Jesus Christ. You will also come to know, by tradition, how each of the Twelve that Christ called eventually died.
Week of March 4-10
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for Matthew 8-9; Mark 2-5
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
Do you realize we are in the tenth week of the Come Follow Me program? How are you feeling about it? I’ve heard about many wonderful and miraculous experiences and I have also heard about many difficult challenges and frustrations. Today I would like to take time to address those who are feeling frustrated, discouraged or overwhelmed.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Matthew 8-9; Mark 2-5
by Breck England
The accounts in these chapters of miraculous healings testify of the calling of Jesus Christ, but there is more. There is a clear pattern in these chapters that helps us profoundly understand His role in our individual lives. To our modern eyes, Jesus is merely showing concern for people on the margins. He performs miracles for them to demonstrate His love and charity for them, but it’s more significant than that.
Come Follow Me Podcast #10—“Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”, Mark 2-5, Matthew 8,9
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
As mortals we are on a journey to move from being broken to healed, and it is the Lord who is our attending physician. The stories in the New Testament are not only about the halt, the blind, and the person afflicted with leprosy. They are about us, and our universal need for his healing touch.
Week of February 25-March 3
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for Matthew 6-7
by Jodi Chaffee
One of the first things we are invited to do in this lesson is to consider how this portion of the Sermon on the Mount will help us to focus on heavenly things. I think this invitation to self-awareness about our spiritual commitment is the first step in evaluating our devotion to spiritual things. Many of the verses in these two chapters are an invitation to look into our own hearts to discern our loyalties, root out hypocrisy, and learn to trust the Lord.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matthew 6-7
by Isaac Calvert
Both what Jesus taught and how He taught were so different from what people were used to that they “marveled,” “questioned,” and were “astonished.” And it wasn’t just the Pharisees. Jesus’ disciples, too, had a difficult time understanding both what and how He taught. So, if any of us feel a bit confused at times as we dive in to the Savior’s teachings from the New Testament, there is no need to worry. If we continue to faithfully study, He will send the help we need.
Come Follow Me Podcast #9 “He Taught Them as One Having Authority”, Matthew 6-7
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
How can we become better at praying? It is a question that most of us ask ourselves as serious disciples of Jesus Christ. In these chapters from the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Himself teaches us how to pray. If the Lord says this is how we should pray, then, there is something deep to learn. Other interesting questions arise in these chapters. What does it mean to judge not? How can I beware of false prophets without making judgment calls? And what is my duty to forgive others?
Week of February 18-24
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for Matthew 5; Luke 6
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
Matthew 5 and Luke 6 are packed with revolutionary, character shaping, life-altering doctrines. These are the doctrines every parent wants their children to feast on, to etch into their hearts, to fully embody. These are the principles that could change behaviors and alter the tone in our homes. Here are some suggestions of how to incorporate these principles into your family’s study this coming week.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matthew 5; Luke 6
by Philip Allred
Matthew 5 and Luke 6 contain different accounts of likely two separate but related discourses by Jesus. The following details may help inform our own comparative study of the two accounts.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #8 “Blessed are Ye”, Matthew 5, Luke 6
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
The Sermon on the Mount was called by President Joseph Fielding Smith, “The greatest sermon that was ever preached, so far as we know,” and President Harold B. Lee called it “the constitution for a perfect life”. In this 30-minute podcast, Scot and Maurine Proctor explore the rich meanings behind the Sermon on the Mount that invite us to change the entire way we consider life.
Week of February 11-17
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for John 2-4
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
These chapters have such marvelous, beautiful moments, as the Savior begins his public ministry. His first miracle in Cana; His teachings while speaking with Nicodemus; His conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Here are some scripture phrases you could post around your house, for your children to consider during the week.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for John 2-4
by Diana Webb
A common error made by readers of the New Testament is to approach the four Gospels, especially John, as primarily historical texts. Although they do contain much history, their main purpose was to persuade various audiences that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the literal Son of God. – the long-awaited Messiah. The Gospel of John is a magnificent example of persuasive writing.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #7 “Ye Must Be Born Again”, John 2-4
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
John’s gospel is so beautifully structured to reveal eternal truths to his audience who are Church members. One story reinforces and points back or forward to the next. For instance, both the wedding at Cana and the visit to Nicodemus at night are teaching the same thing—an idea the casual reader might miss.
Week of February 4-10
Come, Follow Me For Individuals and Families: Matthew 4; Luke 4-5
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
In our readings this week we will learn about some prep work that Jesus Christ did, among other things, as he prepared for his ministry. After his baptism he went into the wilderness to commune with God. He rejuvenated his mind, and cleansed his body through fasting and prayer. He didn’t need to cleanse himself through repentance, like we do. But he knew that good prep work was necessary for what was to come.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Matthew 4; Luke 4-5
by Breck England
After being filled with the Holy Ghost at His baptism, the Lord set out into the desert for a forty-day fast in order to prepare for His ministry. Here He tasted much of the pain of living in a world that is lonely and bleak—such a change from the premortal glory He had enjoyed. The forty days symbolized Israel’s forty-year sojourn in the wilderness, which in turn represents the life of each one of us here in mortality.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #6 “The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me”, Matthew 4; Luke 4-5
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Jesus goes into the wilderness, fasting for 40 days, to commune with his Father, and then when he is famished, Satan comes upon him with temptation. As the arch liar who has eons of practice, he uses types of temptations on the Savior, which he also uses on all of us. What these are and how the Savior resists him is a profound teaching for us all.
Week of January 28-Feb 3
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3: ‘Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord’
by Jodi Chaffee
Referring to the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist, Nephi says, “it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them.” I want to explore why this path is important, why we all need this deliverance, and mighty change that John the Baptist describes.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for Matt 3; Mark 1; Luke 3
by Isaac Calvert
“How could the Father show the world,” the Primary song asks, “the pathway we should go? He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know.” In other words, God the Father sent His Son, the Great Jehovah, to earth not just to tell us the way, but to show us. Jesus of Nazareth stands shoulder to shoulder with us at the front lines of life’s everyday battles, never forsaking us so long as we never forsake Him, either.
Come Follow Me Podcast #5 “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord”, Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
This 30-minute podcast by Scot and Maurine Proctor speaks of John, the baptism of Jesus, and a remarkable image of the atonement that few of us know about, but is here in plain language in the JST. Study with us this week and tell your friends.
Week of January 21-27
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for John 1
by Saydi Eyre Shumway
Just like unused tools, gospel truths are prone to be discarded if we can’t find their relevance in our lives. As children grow up and life gets complicated, they need to know how to wield gospel tools in ways that are relevant to them, ways that will enrich their lives and bring them peace, understanding, and happiness. The danger as parents is that tools that seem irrelevant go unused and unused tools get thrown out.
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for John 1
by Diana Webb
John’s own life was profoundly changed when he met the Savior. As we read his words, it is easy to see how much he wants to have others experience this drastically wonderful change as well. He possesses the unusual gift of clothing the profoundest ideas in language of childlike simplicity.
A little background on the Gospel of John: In his book, John was writing to committed Church members. He was not trying to convert investigators. He was trying to teach fellow members what the gospel meant in their lives.
Come, Follow Me – Podcast 4- “We Have Found the Messiah”- John 1
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
Today’s lesson is on John 1, the last of the four gospels to be written, and one that is crafted directly for members of the ancient church.
Week of January 14-20
Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Lesson Helps for Luke 2; Matthew 2
by Catherine Keddington Arveseth
I love that we are beginning with the New Testament. The stories and images of that first Christmas are still swirling in our minds and hearts. It is easy right now to think of the babe in the manger, Mary holding him close, Joseph’s protecting arm around them both. As we teach these chapters to our children, I find concepts are better received when children have time to reflect on a question and take turns giving their individual answers. Here’s how to help them do just that.
Meridian’s Come, Follow Me Podcast—Luke 2, Matthew 2, “We Have Come to Worship Him”
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
The chapters in this week’s podcast are familiar to us because we have recited them so many times at Christmas. The surprise is that there are hidden gems and ideas in these chapters we might not have seen before. The Joseph Smith Translation (JST) also adds new dimensions to the old story we love so well.
Week of January 7-13
“Come, Follow Me” For Individuals and Families: Matthew 1; Luke 1
by Kelly Schrum Hutchins
As we each work to implement the new directive of home-centered Gospel study, we will spend more time talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ so that our children may know where to look for hope, peace, and a remission of sins. This week’s lesson is about gaining confidence in Jesus Christ. Here are some interactive and interesting ways to help the lesson hit home with your family.
“Come, Follow Me” for Sunday School: Matthew 1; Luke 1
by Breck England
As teachers of the gospel, we are like Matthew and Luke: witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ. We should emphasize this as we begin every lesson by bearing testimony of Him, as these great apostles did.
Meridian’s “Come Follow Me’ Podcast—Matt. 1, Luke 1
by Scot and Maurine Proctor
This week’s podcast explores Matthew’s often hidden meaning in beginning with the genealogy, as well as the audiences each gospel writer was addressing. We will look at implications of being barren in that time, the identity and stewardship of Gabriel, as well as details of the story that are significant and often missed. It is just fun exploring these important stories together. Come study with us!
Week of Dec. 31-Jan. 6.
Meridian Magazine’s New “Come, Follow Me Podcast” –
“We are Responsible for our Own Learning”
By Scot and Maurine Proctor
Beginning today, each week Meridian Magazine’s founders will be giving a 30-minute podcast on the “Come, Follow Me” curriculum for the week. This is so you can listen with your scriptures in hand, or while you are about life’s many other duties. If you want some thoughts about teaching your family or in Church lessons, this can be a place to turn. If you live alone, let us study with you.
“Come Follow Me” for SUNDAY SCHOOL –
We are Responsible for Our Own Learning”
by Isaac Calvert
Seated around a tiny, ramshackle table in the cramped precincts of a synagogue already not meant for quite so many, the ten of us closed our books and waited in the heat of a summer afternoon in Jerusalem. Though Rabbi Yonah’s lesson on Passover had gone on for well over an hour, not one of us showed any signs of leaving.
“Come, Follow Me” for Individuals and Families
“We are Responsible for Our Own Learning”
by Jodi Chaffee
The question is, what about all these changes going on in the church right now — new Ministering objectives, new Sunday schedule, new curriculum? Where does all of this fit in with what we know of the “church culture” and how do we adapt it to our family culture?