Lynne Perry Christofferson was raised in the Rocky Mountains; served as a missionary in Washington, D.C.; and has worked as a freelance musician. She received her education at Brigham Young University prior to pursuing full-time the “double major” of marriage and motherhood. Somewhere between mission and marriage, she discovered a love of songwriting. Her compositions and arrangements have received awards on local, Church, and national levels, and can be found on her albums Keeping Sheep and Lift Your Mind Higher, among others. In recent years her love of penning gospel-centered lyrics and her thirst for the written word have morphed into the writing of inspirational prose, with her first book release Sisters, Arise! She and her husband, Bradley Christofferson, are the parents of five children. Lynne enjoys reading, bottle-feeding lambs, hiking, and exploring Southern Utah’s red-rock country.
Having just passed the 40th anniversary of receiving my endowment,…
It was just days before Thanksgiving when I received the…
“Were you the best they had to fill this calling?…
What voices do we allow into our heads? Do any…
As a musician, searching that new green hymnal for the…
While some family traditions are elaborate and require serious planning,…
It’s not our responsibility to solve other people’s problems, but…
As gospel sisters, actively keep the covenants we have made…
The crucial difference between an oasis and a mirage is…
As we begin a new year of Come, Follow Me…
More and more frequently over the last several years I’m…
If you need a witness to bolster a shaky testimony,…
“Embrace your sacred memories. Believe them. Write them down. Share them…
The shipwrecked apostle Paul described being shown "unusual kindness" by…
We have many rituals of remembrance--acts and traditions that honor…
A medical procedure I received involved my eye being stunned…
There may be several reasons that we become frustrated with…
I once asked my friend Susanna, who had recently run…
How exhausting it is to live in a state of…
Can we ask ourselves if we view any individuals with…
Once, when Michelangelo was asked to describe his sculpting process,…
I used to feel constant guilt that I wasn’t perfect…
In a familiar Latter-day Saint hymn, we often sing, “We…
When the disastrous lesson finally ended, I couldn’t escape fast…
Russell M. Nelson said, "Everything to do with becoming more…
How often do we feel “nudged” to do something unexpected…
During a recent temple shift, when a sister worker came…
As I sat in a temple endowment room waiting for…
Before we feast on Thanksgiving, there is something simple we…
Setting words to music gives them staying power in our…
Opinions on controversial topics can be damaging when shared in…
Though you may have tried many of the following suggestions,…
Have you ever been afraid to ask for help? Have…
On several occasions over the years, I have noticed that…
There are certain moments in the playback of my life…
On the east facing wall of my home office hangs…
My husband lay in the COVID isolation unit of intensive…
There is no substitute for private spiritual practices. These moments…
There are times when we experience something important without realizing…
When the Church invited members to submit new hymns to…
Sometimes good habits--which are active and intentional--can gradually fade into…
During the six months since the Covid-19 restrictions were first…
If I had known beforehand what was about to unfold,…
When we feel overwhelmed by our circumstances, it can be…
The ugly specter of racism has reared its head in…
On the eighth day of quarantine, I stood in our…
There will be many stories told of this time--of the…
How I loved to sing the story of young Joseph…
Serving as both ordinance worker and patron in the second…
There are moments when things click into place, times when…
Hear "The Light of the World" and find out how…
Although humans have learned to harness the power of the…
We each respond differently to the temple according to our…
What if we truly despise our face or our body,…
The more I consider what beauty really is, the more…
As a child, when our television set broke, we couldn’t…
Have you ever been emotionally blindsided? Have you received the…
While some storms involve actual snow and sleet, most of…
If you think you have “no talents”, you might be…
We all have dear Christmas memories that have shaped how…
Has your heart ever been swollen with gratitude? Have you…
Many of my closest friends are unaware of my secret…
Each of us will have pivotal spiritual moments—likely, many times…
How many times have I imagined Joseph leaving the grove…
For years it seemed I was drowning in diapers, but…
On New Year’s Day Belinda's family awoke to a life…
One of the greatest dangers we face in these high…
Though I have felt comfort from the hymns many times…
How do we come to Jesus? We are constantly taught…
If I added up all of the hours from my…
I have a clear recollection of wolfing down a carton…
When our minds are expanded by an understanding of the…
My children are such an integral part of my world,…
How does one capture the fragile whisperings of the Spirit?…
The most important gift I received on my forty fourth…
On the island of Madagascar grows the Baobab tree. As…
Goodbye to one missionary, hello to another in 24 hours.…