Remember this article about the battle between Babylon and Zion that is being waged between the synapses of our brains? Well, I believe it’s time to follow-up.

In January, I shared some life-altering concepts to which I’d been introduced. Ideas about brain patterns, neurological pathways, time with the world, and time with the Lord. (Click the link above for a refresher). Thanks to Tina Peterson, I had some serious questions to answer.

How was I spending my time? What kind of battle was being waged in my brain? And more importantly, who was winning?

I began to change some things, follow Tina’s advice. I kept a notebook, made scripture study a greater priority. I practiced listening, writing, and not dismissing. I’m still practicing, still missing a day here and there. But leafing back through my notes, as Tina suggested, I’ve found patterns – things the Holy Ghost has been trying to teach me. Promptings, messages, and repetitions have risen prominent off the page. It’s been electrifying, encouraging, and the process has helped me feel known.

Soon after writing that original post, my twin boys developed a stutter more serious than normal toddler development. I sought information from every reliable source. Interestingly enough, as I returned to my notebook, I found the exact advice professionals were telling me.

“Slow down,” I had written. “Slow down enough to read to each child. Make time to listen. Love each child individually.” Similar phrasing had been scrawled at least once on every page for several weeks.

The Lord had already been whispering in my ear. He was more than aware, He was ahead of the game.

One March evening, while reading in Mosiah, a completely random thought came into my mind. The girls’ coats are in the backyard.

Really? I thought. In the cold dark, I stepped out back to survey the ground, and there they were. Three coats, frozen stiff. Had they been left outside all night, my girls wouldn’t have had warm coats to wear to school the next morning. A small but gracious gift.

The promises are real. Making time for the Lord opens the door for personal revelation, helps us crave the word, understand it, use it. President George Albert Smith promised,

“Each of us is entitled to the inspiration of the Lord in proportion to the manner in which we live a godly life” (George Albert Smith Manual, pg. 117).e inspiration of the Lord in proportion to the manner in which we live a godly life.

Most days I feel anything but godly, but I do want to live a good life. I want to know God’s mind, learn His ways, and that isn’t going to happen twittering away on my iPhone (gospel library app excluded).

Do you have a story to share? Have you been experimenting on the word, examining your own battle in the brain? If so, what have you found?