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Whether you’re excited or a little bit anxious about the Church’s new effort—Children and Youth—you probably have some questions: “How will it help my children?” “How do we do this?” “What is my role in it?”
Church leaders provide some answers.
What are the first steps families can take to start applying Children and Youth?
Sister Jones: Pray together for the guidance of the Spirit. Parents can begin by talking with their family about the three areas of application in Children and Youth: gospel learning, service and activities, and personal development. What are they currently doing? How can they grow as individuals and as a family in these three areas? How will focusing on Luke 2:52 help guide their plans and goal setting to remember and follow the Savior? What a wonderful opportunity to strengthen youth, home, and family in very simple, consistent, and meaningful ways.
Sister Cordon: We start with a little bit at a time. Walking on the covenant path really is just placing one foot in front of the other. Make one goal. Start simply. The guidebooks for youth and children will give us a wonderful pattern to follow.
Brother Owen: We shouldn’t make this too complicated. This is very simple. Read Luke 2:52. Start there. A parent can then sit down with their child or youth at home and talk about it. “How are we going to help you grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man?” “What could we learn or do together?” “What goals can you set?” Just make it simple.
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.