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Here is a series of beautiful memes from the Saturday sessions of the 189th Semiannual General Conference. There is at least one insight from each speaker. Feel free to share with your friends and let them be an invitation to a conversation about the truths of the restored Gospel.
Each meme has a link to share on Facebook or follow us on Instagram at @latterdaysaintmag.
Saturday Morning Session:
Saturday Afternoon Session:

t hank you so much ..even if I can't havre them in french ...I'll share them here in Lyon France ....Wonderful idea to have more about the sunday sessions ...Thank you again
LoraOctober 7, 2019
I appreciate having these memes to share. They would be so much more powerful if, instead of images of general authorities that my non-member and less-active friends don't know, there would be images of the Savior that they do know. Is there any chance that these can be redone and sent out again? It's a lot of work, I'm sure, but they could be so much more effective. Thank you for the effort!