Because of my aversion to war, I confess that I used to skip the “war chapters” in the Book of Mormon and question their value in my life. Now I’ve come to believe that the Lord expects me to apply the principles found there (the “Thus we see’s”), to the battles of my mind and heart and soul. These lessons are universal because every person breathing on this planet engages daily in battles between truth and error, light and darkness.
Battlegrounds of the Soul
There is absolutely nothing I can do to bring a peaceful end to the fighting going on in so many places on this planet. I can pray, and I will, but the Lord allows mankind the consequences of their choices, and we are witnessing some of those consequences.
I’ve always loved the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth, and Let it Begin with Me.” While I have no control over the wars waging abroad, I do have control over the level of peace in my own life and heart. When I experience inner turmoil, do I contribute to the general level of turmoil on this planet? Will any peace I create on my internal landscape contribute to peace on earth? I know peace can only come one heart at a time.
The enemies I must fight and subdue in order to have inner peace are the ones that reside in my thoughts, in my heart, in my soul. I have been spared from the need to fight external enemies. No foreign troops have marched on the soil of my state, no bombs have been dropped on my city, no flesh and blood enemy has done me physical harm or jailed me for my beliefs.
I am free to turn my strength toward the battle with deadly enemies of spirit–fear, resentment, anger, bitterness, pride, envy. These are all spiritual termites that eat away sanity and serenity and sap my spiritual strength.
A quote from Anne Perry’s Tathea offered me thought provoking words on war that have application to my internal battles:
“Do you want to fight for what is true so the wisdom and the light can belong to anyone who wants it? He said with sharp urgency. “Remember, there is no middle ground . . . We are for the light, the beauty, the good, or we are for darkness, pain, and bondage. There is no place between, only the illusion of it, and that too is a creation of the enemy, the eternal lie, that you can win without battle, reap without cost, triumph without courage or pain.” (p. 268)
I know “we are all enlisted till the conflict is o’er” (Hymn # 250). I know the battle between good and evil is real and that I cannot shirk from my own battles; I want the courage to stand up and be counted. However, the one battle I want to be forever out of is fighting against God or His truth. Since I am such a peace-loving soul, the Book of Mormon people who inspire me the most are those who chose not to fight God anymore. In the book of Alma we read of Lamanites in seven lands and cities being converted to Christ and calling themselves the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. They rejoiced in Christ, were visited by angels, and “They did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God anymore.” (Alma 23:7) I’ve pondered that wording: “they did not fight against God anymore.” Technically, their wars were waged against each other, not God. But perhaps they had learned that “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Some of our young men today may be called to be stripling warriors in the fight against evil, but I’m grateful that I can choose to follow the example of the Anti-Nephi Lehies. Alma 24:19 continues their story. “And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they . . . buried their weapons of war, for peace.”
Do I Have Weapons I Should Bury?
What are the internal “weapons of war” that I can and should bury? What “weapons” do I use when I create contention instead of peace in my relationships? In what ways do I fight against God (in opposition to my true desires to love and serve Him)? Any “weapon” I use against myself or my fellowmen I also use against God. (I can never forget that “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”) Here I will attempt only to identify possible weapons. Later I may discuss ways to bury them in order to find peace with God, in our relationships, and with ourselves.
I learned to liken this scripture about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis unto myself when perusing the manual He Did Deliver Me from Bondage (hereafter referred to as HDDM.) The author Colleen Harrison said, “The weapons of our rebellion against God are our weaknesses or character defects. When we become willing to lay them down before the Lord, then we cease fighting against His will for us.” (HDDM p. 51, fifth edition.)
Colleen continues, “Anything that takes me away from God is a weapon against Him. Anything that hardens my heart takes me away from God. In 1 Nephi 15:3 we read and they being hard in their hearts, therefore they did not look unto the Lord as they ought.’ When we turn away from the Lord we are easy prey to resentment, fear, and anger–the things that harden our hearts. As they increase, our heart is hardened even more, we turn away from God even more, and a spiritually deadly cycle is set up.” (Colleen Harrison HDDM p. 50)
I had to think long and hard about these ideas. If resentment, fear, and anger are the things that harden my heart, and take me away from the Lord, are they not the enemies of my soul? Are they not the “weapons” I use against Him–the weapons I need to bury?
Am I fighting against God if I
Harden my heart towards Him for any reason
Fail to acknowledge His hand in all things
Do not trust His promises
Use doubt as an excuse not to keep a commandment
Am unforgiving
<p style="margin-top: 0.
<hr class=’system-pagebreak’ />1pt; text-indent: 0.5in;”> Refuse to acknowledge my worth as His child
Hide my candle beneath a bushel instead of letting my light shine
Worry and obsess over other people’s faults
Worry about what might happen in this world of chaos
Blame God for my adversities and refuse to learn from them
Get depressed when things don’t go my way
Coerce my children to live the commandments
Am bitter about disappointments
Resent others who do not follow my script
Resort to anger as a control tool
The Pride Element
President Benson labeled pride “enmity toward God.” The dictionary defines enmity as “a state or feeling of hatred or hostility.” Since pride is the universal sin, I am not in any way exempt. Is there an element of pride in every idea in the list above? Is pride the weapon I must bury first and foremost? How can I recognize pride and why does pride cause me to “fight against God” when my only desire is to love Him?
Of all God’s creations, only mankind is capable of pride because only mankind is given the agency to set himself at cross purposes with God. Only a person formed in the express image of God can choose to obey or not obey, and only such a person is capable of the preposterous position of thinking him or herself wiser than God. Does a bird programmed with the God-given instinct to fly South in the winter to preserve its life ever ponder the matter and determine of its own will and choice that it simply doesn’t want to fly South? When the very dust of the earth is commanded of God does it ever say, “Oh, let me think about this for awhile. That may not be what I want to do?” Yet haven’t I engaged in just such thinking?
It is not just in abject rebellion that people fight against God. Rebellion is not a natural part of my nature, but I have determined that any time I fear or doubt or worry, I am distancing myself from God, not trusting Him, and so in a way fighting against Him. When I get into anger or resentment, am I not saying, “God, my will is not being done, and I don’t like it!”
In the end, it will not matter what I know about the gospel, but what I do with what I know. Even gospel knowledge can be used either as a weapon against other people or as a healing balm to heal their wounds. I can abuse my children with my knowledge–beating up on them for every imperfection, or I can exemplify the Savior’s love in their life. It doesn’t matter what I know, but who I am. And even more important–whose I am. Unless I bury all my weapons of internal war and give my life over to the Savior, in the end it will not matter what else I have given it to.
Author note: Visit me at my website: and learn more about my books, Trust God No Matter What and After My Son’s Suicide: an LDS Mother Finds Comfort in Christ and Strength to Go On.
LoniApril 16, 2013
The scriptures teach us: "To put on the whole armor of God." I don't think that means breastplates, swords, guns, knives, and satan's weapons of war and destruction. God is in control and trusting in Him does not mean that there are not 'trials' out there - - FOR ALL - - it means: "And should we die, before our journey's through - - happy day, ALL is well." God will and has shown the way, we must be brave enough to follow the direction of His leaders here in this fallen world.............................. Thanks Darla, great article ! Worth reading, and re - reading !
VirginiaApril 14, 2013
I don't usually leave comments, but today I wanted to let you know that your treatment of this not-so-new topic is incredible. Thank you for being so real. There is much in here that will bless my life. And it came at the perfect time. So, thank you as well for knowing just when to post it! In other words, being in tune with the spirit. Have a wonderful Sabbath.