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Splitting the Sky, a YouTube series that launched Friday, is the latest project conceived and produced by Welcome Table Productions. Splitting the Sky follows three storygatherers—Anna, Camlyn, and Amber—as they interview Mormon women about the experiences that have brought each woman closer to God.

The women they’ve interviewed represent a diverse slice of Mormondom. They’ve sat down with women of many ages, races, marital statuses, employment histories, and political persuasions. Though Anna, Camlyn, and Amber have observed innumerable differences between these women, they’ve also been witness to a few core similarities. Their happy discovery has been that there is a thread of divinity that runs through each of their interviewees, just as they posit there is a thread of divinity that runs through us all.

They’ve interviewed 30 women, and will share their stories online once a week (every Wednesday) from now through August 2017. To follow their project you can subscribe to their YouTube page, follow them on Instagram @splittingtheskyseries, or like their Facebook page.