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The following comes from Greg Trimble’s blog. To read the full post, click here

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There is this cultural thing inside the church wherein other members think it’s their business as to whether your child is going to go on a mission or not. Generally, when a kid turns 18 in the church, a swarm of people rush in and start peppering the kid and the parents with questions such as “when is little Johnny going to serve a mission” or “why aren’t you out on a mission already?” Though probably not intended, the questions generally make the recipient feel uncomfortable and out of place.

I don’t think anyone sets out to maliciously embarrass anyone or put them on the spot, but truly, it’s really none of their business when and how someone decides to go on a mission. We’ve got to be more conscientious about how major life decisions might be affecting other people.

Deciding to serve a mission is not an easy decision. Take it from me. I didn’t serve a mission until I was 22 years old. I had people asking me for 3 years why I wasn’t on a mission, and every time someone asked me about it, it made me want to go less. I just wanted to yell out… STOP BUGGING ME ABOUT IT!!! So instead, I made myself scarce. For 3 years I made myself scarce. I’m not saying it was other people’s fault. I can’t blame others from my procrastination… but what I am saying is that it didn’t help.

When I eventually decided to go on a mission, it had nothing to do with random church members throwing guilt trips my way. It had everything to do with the spirit operating on me over time.

To read the full post by Greg Trimble, click here