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The following is excerpted from MEDIUM. To read the full article, click here.
I’m not a Mormon.
With that out of the way…be honest…
What comes to mind when you think about Mormons? White shirt, black tie, name tag, a knock on the door? Mega-families, no beer, no coffee…no fun? How about polygamy and racism?
It’s ok, don’t be embarrassed, they know.
All the more reason that a new, stereotype-smashing, no-sacred-cows film from Excel Entertainment (an independent, LDS-owned film company) might surprise you.
“Jane & Emma” is bold, honest, even shocking.
It’s exactly the kind of film Americans — faithful, sorta-faithful, and not-even-in-the-neighborhood-of-faithful alike — should go see when it hits theaters this October. By putting this piece out there, Mormons are demonstrating a willingness to have an open, uncomfortable conversation that some churches in America’s Christian community have been meticulously avoiding.
To read the full article on MEDIUM, click here.
Maryann TaylorSeptember 8, 2018
Sorry, I have a hard time relating to articles like this. A black sister in my ward told me that when she joined the church she was astounded at the love she received. "I don't think these people even know I'm black!" she stated. Our missionaries will happily share the joys of the gospel with whomever answers the door, regardless of color and will also joyously baptize them. I am wondering if, long after the fires of racism have finally been extinguished, there will still be those who feel compelled to rake over the dead coals, seeking to fan the flames of racism once more.