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How do you help your children love the scriptures? It isn’t easy, but hopefully, these six ideas will help.

Be Consistent in Family Study

When children are screaming, teenagers are rolling their eyes, and you’re running around from one task to the next, family scripture study may seem impossible. However, there is nothing more important to building good habits than consistency. Your children may not always remember what they’ve read, but they’ll remember that sitting down and studying the scriptures as a family not only happened but that you thought it was essential.

Ideally, families should study the scriptures together every day. However, every situation is different. Prayerfully consider what consistent schedule is right for your family, including how many times a week, what time of day, and for how long.

Have Them Act Out Scripture Stories

The stories in the scriptures are exciting and your children will love acting them out! Imagine the fun they’ll have chopping off arms like Ammon, walking along the path that leads to the Tree of Life, or walking with lions like Daniel in the lion’s den. You can read a simplified version of the story and have them act it out as they go, giving them step by step directions of what to do next, or let them put on little plays themselves.

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