The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

Elder Gerrit W. Gong could aptly be called an “adopted son” of Taylorsville.

The member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is California-born — but he has deep connections to this diverse, history-rich city located near the center of the Salt Lake Valley. His wife, Sister Susan Lindsay Gong, is a Taylorsville native, and his in-laws — the late Elder Richard P. and Sister Marian Bangerter Lindsay — are beloved members of this community and represent a legacy of local ecclesiastical leadership.

Elder Gong knows Taylorsville well, and more importantly, he knows well the devotion of many faithful Latter-day Saints who call it home. Some are fifth- and sixth-generation members whose pioneer ancestors helped settle Taylorsville. Others are relative newcomers who are enriching the Taylorsville community and their local wards.

“It’s a very special blessing to participate in any temple groundbreaking and site dedication,” he said after presiding at Saturday’s groundbreaking ceremony for the Taylorsville Utah Temple. “But for us here, particularly with multiple generations in our own family, this is a special privilege. … This is a great community, and it represents such a wonderful part of the Church.”

The Apostle shared remarks at the morning gathering before offering the dedicatory prayer that signals the beginning of what will be the Salt Lake Valley’s fifth temple.

During his remarks and afterwards in conversations with reporters, Elder Gong referenced the rich blend of heritages, languages and cultures that defines Taylorsville. The future temple, he promised, will be a blessing to all in the community.

“It’s just a wonderful day to have that whole spectrum of all of us who are here — one in heart, one in mind.” 

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.