Another source is Donald Q. Cannon, "Latter-day Visions of the Savior," in Hearken, O Ye People: 1984 Sperry Symposium, Sandy, UT: Randall Book Co., 1984, pp119-131, where 22 people are named.
John B HewlettMay 26, 2021
Karl , you are such a blessing to the Kingdom. Thank you for sharing the miracles of Kirtland for the past 5 decades with members and others alike. It is a MOST significant part of the RESTORATION, and truthfulness of the RESTORED GOSPEL. Thank you
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JAMES P FOLEYMay 26, 2021
Another source is Donald Q. Cannon, "Latter-day Visions of the Savior," in Hearken, O Ye People: 1984 Sperry Symposium, Sandy, UT: Randall Book Co., 1984, pp119-131, where 22 people are named.
John B HewlettMay 26, 2021
Karl , you are such a blessing to the Kingdom. Thank you for sharing the miracles of Kirtland for the past 5 decades with members and others alike. It is a MOST significant part of the RESTORATION, and truthfulness of the RESTORED GOSPEL. Thank you