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February 13, 2025

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Christine HannanApril 7, 2020

It has been wonderful to listen to the words of the Prophets and to participate in the Hosanna Shout. I was also most grateful for the Pronouncement of President Nelson's Apostolic Blessing. My daughter asked me to explain more about an Apostolic Blessing. She asked me; "What is the difference between an Apostolic Blessing and my own prayers for 37 years for better health?" I had a bit of a struggle answering. I would love to have someone with more knowledge help with the answer to that.

Alan WildApril 7, 2020

It is interesting that this new proclamation is essentially a restatement of the basic facts of the restoration-nothing new really. It makes me think of the proclamation on the family. When it was issued in 1995 many members wondered wondered why it was given because it was something most of society already believed. Now, some years later, many no longer support those basic family values. So...I wonder what the long term purpose of this new proclamation may be. I don't think it is just a nice restatement. I suspect the Lord has in mind something much deeper here. We will know one day.

Blake GarsideApril 7, 2020

I find comfort in the words of Elder Oaks as we study and prayerfully study the Bicentennial Proclamation: "Study and reason can find the truth but ONLY personal revelation and CONFIRM it" !!

Ann StruthersApril 6, 2020

I was so uplifted by the words of all the speakers but of course the prophet was just the best. What a wonderful historic conference to be a part of!! We are all so blessed to be able to live at this time, in these last days. Thank you Proctor's for your many ways of service to the Lord.

karell BinghamApril 6, 2020

When President Nelson speaks, heaven and earth come together for a few minutes!

Sue CochrunApril 6, 2020

I too will treasure this blessing and all the words expressed in this memorable and UNFORGETTABLE conference. O that all my loved ones especially, and the whole world could hear this message by taking the time to listen. I still feel the spirit and the Love of my Heavenly Parents and Redeemer.

Yvonne (Bonnie) BondApril 6, 2020

It is with Gratitude and Love that I Thank my Heavenly Father for being able to watch General Conference on Television in my home. Having our Prophet, President Nelson to lead us in these perilous times and giving us hope in the announcements of 8 New Temples, a marvelous Proclamation given by Revelation, Marriages not having to wait a year for Sealing, and hope for the Future, so needed at this time. This was a Crowing part of History and we have been Blessed to be a part of it. Our Faith, Our Testimonies, Our Hope, Our Love for our Savior and Heavenly Father has increased greatly as we have been Blesses beyond Measure as we watched all of the Conference Sessions by times Shedding Tears of Joy at the announcements and Talks. As Revelation continues may God Protect and Inspire us All in our Endeavors to Serve and Draw Closer to Him. Take Care and God Bless us all.

Debbie ColsonApril 6, 2020

Thank you my dear prophet, for your uplifting words of encouragement, love and enlightenment to my soul especially at the trying time we find ourselves in. I pray that all who have heard your words this conference will study and ponder them deep in their hearts. This conference has been most informative to me and I will share it with my family and friends.

Sara GrovesApril 6, 2020

Thank you for giving us those beautiful message of love and hope. It is something I want to study, learn from and love! I treasure the messages from this unforgettable General Conference. I'm grateful and humbled to be a member of our Savior, Jesus Christ's only true Church upon this earth. Thank you again for the service you give through this magazine.



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