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April 25, 2024

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D L WhippleNovember 6, 2014

The link between your Gospel Doctrine Lessons and the selection offered is broken. A Pop Up Says: "Page Is Not Found" This is very difficult for those who want to read the Gospel Doctrine lessons - and will ultimately cost you readership. Please repair the damage so we can access the Gospel Doctrine lessons quickly and easily. Thanks! .

StephenNovember 5, 2014

I've always thought that a test in mortality would be to have a lot of things thrown at you to test your faith, yet to still believe.To hold to that moment when the Holy Ghost spoke to your soul that it was true. I don't understand polygamy, especially thru the lens of current day, I assume the best in the Lord's purposes with polygamy from his ancient prophets to the latter-day prophets. I also don't know what Joseph's actual marital relationships were like. I would assume he would have had posterity thru those marriages, but I'm not aware of any.

herm olsenNovember 5, 2014

It's always a bit dangerous (and often unfair) to judge people's behavior from 200 years ago by today's standards. The Framers of the Constitution devised a much revered (yet racist and sexist) document called the Constitution. We must not be too harsh in our judgments, because it was based on the reality of the time. So to with Joseph Smith.

Terry AndersonNovember 5, 2014

I have always found the testimonies of those who were tested so severely to be an inspiration. You can read into this story what you will, depending on your a priori assumptions of what is defined as heaven.



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