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April 18, 2024

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CarolJune 4, 2013

I remember watching this show in South Africa and enjoying a feeling of pleasure at the world seeing us as we really are. It's great to know what good that show has brought about. It is not possible to help financially but my prayers will certainly be with you.

NicholeenMay 23, 2013

Gramajane, Thank you so much for your generosity. Each little bit helps so much with this mission. I wish you could have seen the light in the eyes of the people on that snowy night in England. It is a feeling that drives me to help more. Truth was felt and lives were changed. I will write about what happens after the trip so that you know the whole story. Warmly, Nicholeen

GramajaneMay 23, 2013

My husband and I can help a little. We have been saving for our senior couple mission and can share some of those funds as we believe in what you are doing. We were foster parents for 10 years and still help as respite parents when we can. God continue to bless you and all of us, His children, ALL the people if the world are Gids children!



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