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February 10, 2025

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BobbiAugust 4, 2014

"These are not coming from any other source but whatever Sister Hammond can find. " This sounds like all the donations have to come through this site. Living in WA, as a stake we have been asked to donate the same items and they have been delivered. I know more is needed, but it is important that people know that the church is doing more than sending tents and bedding. We have also been asked for generators, and this weekend the members will be headed there to help with the cleanup.

AllieJuly 31, 2014

I guess it's all been purchased because there are 0 items in that list as of 7/31/2014 midday Eastern time.

Sylvia HammondJuly 30, 2014

First and foremost-Thank you to everyone for a quick and more than generous response! The Ephrata Stake is headed to Brewster this Friday. I will talk with Scot in a couple of weeks and give him the details of the wonderful contribution from Meridian Readers so that he can share that with you. In the mean time, we are putting a freeze on item donations.The hold ups are storage based not need based. It may be that we hold donations locally until more has been distributed and space opens up. The needs for those effected are not going away this week or next week or next month. If you have a donation on the way, don't worry. It will be used. Please know that your have made a difference in someone's life and that your willingness to reach out to people you do not know and will probably never meet is a true example of love and service. I can't say thank you enough.

EileenJuly 30, 2014 The blog our stake president has created for updates on what is being done and schedules of what wards and stakes are going to be doing to help. As for pets, locally I've seen offers for help on that. Someone in spokane offered care for horses and that's about 200 miles away. Lots of heartwarming help all around

EileenJuly 30, 2014

I'm wondering if you're addressing concerns about this. I tried to look up the list and couldn't find it, either. Also, please make sure you're sending to sister Hammond and not to the area. Our relief society president (who is directly involved in relief efforts, as are most people in our ward since brewster's in our stake) said right now they're inundated with stuff and having to move it from the high school to other facilities that will be longer term. The need is going to be ongoing for some time.

Mona MarcheJuly 30, 2014

I wish I could help other than prayer and spreading the word on facebook. I haven't seen anywhere anyone asking for helps for pets. They are family members, too. I hope they weren't left behind. I will post on facebook for helps.

Teresa CraneJuly 29, 2014

I just asked about the wish list she couldn't understand why some were not seeing it but I did finally find it so here is the web address for if you put it in your browser it should take you to the wishlist for her stake.

Teresa CraneJuly 29, 2014

I just asked about the wish list she couldn't understand why some were not seeing it but I did finally find it so here is the web address for if you put it in your browser it should take you to the wishlist for her stake.

Ann GJuly 28, 2014

I couldn't find the wish list in Amazon either. Prime is quick & easy and has no shipping fees.

Diane FraughtonJuly 28, 2014

When I put "Ephrata WA Stake Fire Relief" into wishlist search (it's just to the right of the shopping cart tab) nothing comes up. Is there an email to look ot up or am I putting in the wrong thing? I would love to help.

Bev TaylorJuly 28, 2014

I'm in SLC, UT & am guessing shipping charges would be more than the items being sent :( any way we could just sent $$$$ to someone closer to the fire & let them get the supplies?? BT

Amanda DuPontJuly 27, 2014

Is there a way to send money instead since I'm in Hawaii?

Denise StuartJuly 26, 2014

I have no idea how to access this wish list on Amazon.

EileenJuly 26, 2014

We're part of Wenatchee stake and major efforts have been going on for some time and will continue as needed. Over 300 homes have been lost in just one of at least three major fires in our stake. We've all been impacted by the smoke, but that's nothing to the stories of people having just minutes to leave everything behind. Hard to imagine. I don't know sister Hammond, but recognize the name from years ago when we were all one stake here on central Washington. At this point, everyone is trying to do all they can...a lady in our ward spent all day building racks from donated lumber so clothing could be more easily accessible to those in need. And she has a broken foot! Our brand new relief society president (with only one counselor and a young son to take care of after major surgery) has been a major powerhouse in getting things coordinated and done. Thank you for this avenue of a way to help from a distance! I'm brought to tears every time I realize the devastation and the stupendous outpouring of help.

Sylvia HammondJuly 25, 2014

I have set up a wish list on Amazon in hopes that will be helpful for those who asked. The name of the list is Ephrata WA Stake Fire Relief. Thank you so much. The first donations arrived today . Some packages do not say who sent them. If you want confirmation on arrivals,, you may email me the tracking number

Sylvia hammondJuly 25, 2014

Thank you about your concern about Priesthood authority and assignments. I am a Stake Relief Society president and this was my assignment from my Stake President . We were asked to extend our reach as far as we could as we are in a rural area with a low population and limited resources. The members of the local Stakes are being very generous. I appreciate the participation of those outside the area but understand that you also have local needs and responsibilities

Marilyn HolleyJuly 25, 2014

It won't allow me to send my items without a valid telephone number of the intended recipient.

Willard M BushmanJuly 25, 2014

We cannot order from Amazon until you give us Sister Hammond's phone number.

Scott jonesJuly 24, 2014

Is there a chance that you could give sister Hammond my name and email so I can contact her to see what her immediate needs are now. I can give you my cell number if that helps but I don't want it all over the web. My wife and I would like to help.

LisaJuly 24, 2014

Thank you for informing us on how we can serve

YoMammasLDSJuly 24, 2014

My heart goes out to those affected by these fires. I cannot imagine what it is like to lose one's possessions and home to nature's fury. People as well as places must be devastated by this kind of event. Ever since I read the article and determined to do something, I have been troubled by the thought that this request, from a stake Relief Society President, should really have come through proper Priesthood channels. When Sandy hit the east coast, relief from Mormon members was coordinated by the Priesthood; requests for help came in announcements made by Bishops in Sacrament meetings. With so many stakes impacted by the fire in Washington State, I wonder why this Stake Relief Society President was left without Priesthood support in coordinating the requests for assistance from other members in other stakes. We are a Church of order; this request - the way it has come to our attention - appears to be out of that established Priesthood order. I have no doubt that Meridian readers, including my family, will respond generously to this request for help. There's just this niggle in my brain and the uncomfortable feeling that we should have been made aware of these needs from our Bishops, who were contacted by our Stake Presidents, who were advised of the needs from Area Presidencies. In this age of instant communication, Priesthood coordination of relief efforts is just a phone call, email, or text message away. While the support of the Mormon Helping is coordinated by the Priesthood, so the donations of goods is tracked and organized as different Stakes receive different assignments for the types of goods needed. I'm just sayin'.

KathyJuly 24, 2014

Sister Hammond, do you have a moment to set up an Amazon wishlist that Brother Proctor could link to in this article? That would allow donors to see how many of each item are still needed so that you don't get too many of some things and too few of others. Either way, I'll donate what I can.

doug curranJuly 24, 2014

So very sorry for all your suffering and being displaced without basic needs. We will do what we can to send needed goods as mentioned.



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