Your presentation was so organized and well presented. My heart and mind were filled with wonderful inspiration! Thank you for your efforts to share Paul's comments and make them applicable to us today. I have been fed generously.
SaydiSeptember 2, 2019
I love this Cath. Thank you for writing it.
Jose GomisSeptember 2, 2019
Enjoyed the Horseshoe concept so much that I'll away leve and opening for others to enter but never close it off. It also seem to cause a follow around of who next to speak without calling on them. And found that leading from one end is easier then from the middle.
Comments | Return to Story
Patricia BarwickSeptember 5, 2019
Your presentation was so organized and well presented. My heart and mind were filled with wonderful inspiration! Thank you for your efforts to share Paul's comments and make them applicable to us today. I have been fed generously.
SaydiSeptember 2, 2019
I love this Cath. Thank you for writing it.
Jose GomisSeptember 2, 2019
Enjoyed the Horseshoe concept so much that I'll away leve and opening for others to enter but never close it off. It also seem to cause a follow around of who next to speak without calling on them. And found that leading from one end is easier then from the middle.