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February 10, 2025

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Anita McMillanAugust 3, 2017

I too would love to use some of these photos in RS lessons. Is it ok to print and use in class?

LyndaMarch 6, 2017

Would you give permission to print a few of these to be used in conjunction with lessons we are teaching in RS this year? I love the one of his hands and all of them bring back so many wonderful feelings about Pres and Sis Hinckley! I would not pass the photos out would like to use them within the lesson. Thank you either way really enjoyed all of them!

Lois A. MiddletonFebruary 6, 2017

Thank you for the wonderful photos. I have a favorite memory of President Hinckley when he dedicated the Preston (Chorley England) England Temple. He and President Monson were there and both spoke briefly before the dedication. What exceptional men!!

Lori Finlay HamiltonFebruary 3, 2017

Thank you Scot for touching our lives with your amazing gifts!! I love these images of President and Sister Hinkley, as well as the dear brethren that surrounded him. My life, our lives, were changed so profoundly by this remarkable man of God! I'm so grateful that we are studying his works this year. What a blessing!!

ErinFebruary 2, 2017

What incredible blessing to have known President Himckley! He was special. Exquisite photos with lovely captions. Thank you for sharing your many talents!

ALHFebruary 2, 2017

How privileged you were to share so many occasions with this great man! The photos and captions were wonderful and set a very positive tone for today.

Jim NFebruary 2, 2017

Thanks Scot. Those were great photos. And thank you for sharing them with us. I miss hearing him speak to us. He is a very humble man and I do miss him.



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