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The following is Meridian Magazine’s video interview with CeCe Moore at Rootstech 2017. Moore is a “DNA Detective” and specializes in uncovering the genealogical mysteries in our DNA. She has worked especially for PBS’s Finding Your Roots, where celebrity guests get the chance to explore their roots.
Listen to her talk about everything from LL Cool J’s fascinating family discover to how they get the DNA from Thomas Jefferson to study his descendants and their connections.
Jamie HanselmanMay 29, 2017
Please read the book "The Jefferson-Hemings Controversy - Report of the Scholars Commission" edited by Robert F. Turner, before stating that it is a fact that Thomas Jefferson had any children with Sally Hemings. The DNA test did NOT prove that TJ fathered Eston Hemings but that one current descendant of Eston Hemings had the Jefferson DNA haplotype. There are @ 19 Jefferson males that could've been responsible for Eston's paternity and even also male slaves sired by an ancestor of Thomas Jefferson. Their unanimous view is that this allegation is by no means proven and all but one state that after @ a year of examining the issues find that TJ was not responsible for any of Sally Hemings children.