The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full report, CLICK HERE.
Construction on temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can seem commonplace. By the end of the year, some 20 new temples will have started rising in 2020. And the Church has 231 of these sacred structures in various stages of operation or development around the world.
Because temples are the Church’s most sacred of spaces, the global faith seeks to position them closer and closer to its 16.6 million members around the world.
A regional Church leader Saturday in McAllen, Texas — a city less than 10 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border and the location of the latest temple to begin construction — told a gathering of fewer than 30 Latter-day Saints and invited guests on a 70-degree morning that the temple coming to their city is eternally significant. This temple, he said, is an important indicator of their collective faith and a valuable reminder of the most important things in life.
“This day is the result of tremendous faith and many prayers by so many who have waited so long — perhaps even all their lives,” said Elder Art Rascon, an Area Seventy, during the temple groundbreaking ceremony held November 21, 2020. “God bless you. Your faith and prayers have been recognized by the Lord.”
Elder Rascon presided at the event and offered the dedicatory prayer.
In his prayer, Elder Rascon expressed gratitude for the many thousands of Latter-day Saints “in this lovely valley in southern Texas and across the border into Mexico who have worked faithfully to establish Thy kingdom and prepared their hearts and minds awaiting this day. Their faith, patience, and perseverance in the midst of many afflictions have made the miracle of this day possible. We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, for their longsuffering, fervent prayers and continued diligence to live the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
To read the full report, CLICK HERE.