In a new Mormon Messages video “Texting Truth,” eight young men preparing to serve LDS missions explain how they use their phones to uplift and inspire each other daily.

The young men from Logan, Utah, send group text messages to each other to share scriptures or general conference talks that they come across in their personal study.

“We usually like what we’re saying to each other because we’re in the same boat,” said one young man in the video.

Another explained, “If I’m not reading my scriptures, I feel like I’m letting them down or something.”

Just last conference, Elder Scott said the following:

You live in a world where technological advances occur at an astounding pace. It is difficult for many of my generation to keep up with the possibilities. Depending on how technology is used, these advances can be a blessing or a deterrent. Technology, when understood and used for righteous purposes, need not be a threat but rather an enhancement to spiritual communication.

For example, many of us have a personal electronic device that fits into our pocket. We are seldom without its company; we may refer to it many times a day. Unfortunately, these devices can be a source of filth and wasted time. But, used with discipline, this technology can be a tool of protection from the worst of society.

Who could have imagined not very many years ago that the full standard works and years of general conference messages would fit into your pocket? Just having them in your pocket will not protect you, but studying, pondering, and listening to them during quiet moments of each day will enhance communication through the Spirit.”  Elder Richard G. Scott, “For Peace at Home,” April 2015 General Conference.