A new peer-reviewed scientific research paper released last week reconfirms the existence of porn addiction. While recent articles have been in the news that attempted to throw doubt on whether porn use can lead to addiction, superior research has validated the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s position that porn addiction is a real, and arduous, obstacle that many struggle with on a daily basis.
The paper, entitled “Sex Addiction as a Disease: Evidence for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Response to Critics can be viewed by clicking here.
“The journey of addiction treatment is marked with significant societal, clinical, and scientific advances over the past few decades. Not too long ago, addiction was viewed as a moral failing and those suffering with addiction were treated harshly and with great prejudice and fear. One thing remains evident, significant change is difficult to come by is met with resistance, and it takes the perseverance and vision of a collective force of individuals to bring about the change.
Addiction is one disease that has been maligned and misunderstood historically, as it presents in its myriad forms, yet clarity has emerged over the last 50 years to the recognition that it is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry, with manifestations along biological, psychological, social, and spiritual domains.
The ongoing controversy over the acceptance of problem behaviors related to sex as part of addiction is very similar to the phenomenon which occurred with alcoholism and drug dependencies not that long ago however, when presented with the latest scientific advances the criticisms prove to be unfounded and outdated.”
To continue reading the paper, click here.
To learn more about resources for those who are struggling to quit viewing explicit, and exploitive, materials, please visit this Resources Page assembled by the National Center on Exploitation.
Michael ChopinJuly 24, 2015
So, if it is an addiction, could it then be said that it is being propagated as a psychological tool to undermine people's agency and control over themselves? If a study was done, I'd bet they could easily show that those who are addicted to porn (or anything else) are impulse buyers...maybe not so much with chemical dependents because most of their money goes to satisfy a chemical need that they cannot produce themselves, but what if it could be said that people become addicted to porn because of the chemicals that are released into their bodies that they produce themselves? That would turn people into more impulsive creatures but instead of buying drugs to satisfy their addiction, now they have more money to spend impulsively on things that rationality says they don't need but the impulsiveness says they do. Interesting way of looking at the potential consequences, I think.
herm olsenJuly 22, 2015
Thanks for sharing important information about this troublesome topic. This issue has to be addressed with our youth. Fight The New Drug is a non-profit based in SLC designed to teach our children about the addictive dangers of pornography. Being aware of the addictive properties of pornography is the first step.