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FamilySearch, the world’s largest genealogy organization, owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced this week that they will be “significantly redesigning” their Family Tree and record search functions to include same-sex couples and their families.
The official statement from FamilySearch emphasized that the purpose of their organization is “to capture, store, and provide records and an accurate genealogy that represents past, present, and future families of the world.”
To that end, the systems that are being redesigned to accommodate this change are expected to be ready at the beginning of 2019.
According to the statement, “Following this work, the FamilySearch Family Tree application can then allow same-sex information to be recorded. We appreciate your patience and desire to preserve the world’s genealogy in Family Tree.”
As noted in the Deseret News:
The Church immediately acknowledged the legality of same-sex marriage in the United States after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized it in June 2015. Later that year, President Dallin H. Oaks, now of the First Presidency, counseled church members and people of faith to submit to the law once it is sustained by the highest available authority.
Since then, the LDS position has remained clear. The faith’s leaders repeatedly have taught that all people should be treated with kindness and respect and that Mormons should follow the law while continuing to teach that marriage between a man and a woman is a central part of Mormon doctrine and practice.
Marta Cleofe Sousa de CarrJune 23, 2018
After Family Search "significantly redesigned" Family Tree and record search functions to include same-sex couples and their families,". what will come after this?. If the same sex families have the right “to capture, store, and provide records and an accurate genealogy that represents past, present, and future families of the world.", in 1, 2 or 3 years after this moment, like they are families of the world, will they same-sex families, have the right for get marriage in the Temple too? The man and woman were the human creation from our Almighty God. They were created without sin. When they ate the prohibited fruit they were expulsed from the presence of our Loving Creator. He sent them to do what He did: procreate to continue His plan. Since that moment until now, that is our purpose on earth even though all of us are sinners. He loves us because we can continue His plan and He gave the gift of repentance even through Jesus Christ. How can a same sex couple fulfill the purpose of procreacion that is the Main purpose of God's Plan?
JulieJune 19, 2018
Is this really what accurate genealogy means that it represents past, present, and future families of the world? How do 2 gays create a family? A blood related family is when a man and a woman get married and create children. Isn't this what we are tracking and recording? Who is blood related to who? Or is this just past families?So present families will include gays marrying each other, that means future genealogy will include the transsexual movement where there will be an option to decide what sex the person is deciding they are not the sex they were actually born. I know the gays won't have an impact in our standards...they did not impact the Boy Scouts at all. All I can say is that which is corrupt- corrupts all it touches.