To read more from Larry, visit LDS365.

In 2025, FamilySearch is planning to provide more free genealogy records and more fun family experiences. There will also be improvements in FamilySearch records, the FamilySearch website, and FamilySearch apps.

The following is a quick summary of what to expect in 2025. For more details, read the article “What to Expect from FamilySearch in 2025.”

More Genealogy Records

In 2025, FamilySearch will make significant strides in expanding record collections for the countries of France, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Palau, and the Philippines. They will also publish millions of oral genealogies—all searchable.

FamilySearch Artificial Intelligence

FamilySearch will use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to read old handwriting in more languages and improve its ability to suggest lineage-linked data from records.

FamilySearch will use AI to convert images of historical handwriting into searchable text

“Get Involved” and Computer-Assisted Indexing

FamilySearch will expand computer-assisted algorithms to index more historical genealogical records than ever before. The Get Involved tab will make it easier and more fun for volunteers to refine the work of the handwriting recognition AI.

More Digital Books

FamilySearch will continue to work with societies and libraries to digitize historical genealogical books accessible for free online in its Digital Library.

New Features in Family Tree

The FamilySearch Family Tree will become more collaborative with the Family Groups feature. You will be able to create private groups of living family members and collect photos, stories, sources, and memories. Your life’s work and family legacy will then be preserved for future generations.


Together, the new mobile and web app, helps you capture important moments in life, such as family events, traditions, hobbies, interests, friends, holidays, and vacations, You can even create your life story as you experience it or later when you reminisce. Built-in prompts help you record your story as you progress through different stages of life.

RootsTech 2025

RootsTech will be held on 6–8 March 2025. Millions will gather virtually and in-person.

FamilySearch Labs

In FamilySearch Labs, you can see and test new features coming in 2025.