Why is the Brother of Jared Not Named—Or Is He?
By Daris Howard -
Book of Mormon Videos: Watch “The Lord Appears to the Brother of Jared”
Feeling Distant from God? Discover Five Ways to Strengthen Your Prayers
By Joni Hilton -
Discovering FamilySearch’s Together App
By Tanya Neider -
Book Chat with Julie: By Land, Air, and Sea
Really wonderful people voted for that other candidate. Are you okay with that?
Come Follow Me Podcast #46: “Rend that Veil of Unbelief”, Ether 1-5
HalMarch 7, 2017
I had to shake my head last Sunday because, in spite of leaders repeatedly asking members not to use electronic devices during sacrament meeting, I received 4 texts during the sacrament itself from a group of young women group texting their desire - ironically - to get a Book of Mormon reading chart from a leader. This came about because my own daughter uses my phone to contact the girls in her Beehive class.