Salt Lake’s Inner City Project-a chance to serve from home

To listen to this week’s podcast click here  

ElderSisterRossmallElder and Sister Mike and Allene Ross, Assistant Directors of the Inner City Project in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Whether you’re finding an apartment for someone newly homeless, explaining to a foreign refugee what a flush toilet is, or connecting addicts with resources for recovery, the Inner City Project has something nearly anyone can do to fulfill Christ’s call to serve “the least of these” right when it matters the most.


Mike and Allene Ross-Elder and Sister Ross right now-are assistant directors for this innovative program which is changing the lives of both recipients and those who serve in downtown Salt Lake City.  In this audio interview they share amazing stories about this program which lets you serve for a number of hours each week while still living at home, sleeping in your own bed, and even before you retire.


That’s this week on The Cricket and Seagull!