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The following is excerpted from the Salt Lake Tribune. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
Latter-day Saint leaders have an emphatic message for their youthful missionaries: You may be on God’s errand, but you are not invincible.
On Friday, the Utah-based faith unveiled a 12-part video series known as “The SafetyZone” to introduce its young soldiers of faith to measures that could help protect them or even save their lives.
The series covers pedestrian and bicycle safety, avoiding electrical wires, safe driving, appropriate behavior around children, crimes against missionaries (including physical and sexual harassment) and proper handling of food, among other topics.
“Each episode covers a missionary safety topic in an entertaining way while delivering important, life-changing principles,” according to a news release. “The videos focus on helping missionaries gain life experience through actual examples and storytelling.”
Reminiscent of Aaron Sorkin’s short-lived but critically acclaimed “Sports Night” series from the late 1990s, “The SafetyZone” resembles a sportscast — or newscast — with in-studio analysts who discuss missionary safety.
In the first video, the three “anchors” debate which is more important — obedience to missionary rules, being aware of surroundings or respect for others.
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
CubbyMarch 4, 2019
This was very good. Entertaining and with an incredible message not only for missionaries, but for everyone. I was impressed with seeing the “what happened next” element. Thanks.