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Throughout the month of December, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites you to share the light of Christ by participating in #LIGHTtheWORLD. It begins December 1 with a worldwide day of service. Serve anyone you want, any way you want. Find a way to serve others as Jesus did. Help a loved one, a neighbor, or even a complete stranger in simple ways.
Light the World. In 25 Ways. Over 25 Days
Watch and share this video to encourage others to participate in a Worldwide Day of Service on December 1.
Then, each day in December leading up to Christmas, follow the advent activity calendar for ideas on Christlike acts of service you can do to emulate the many ways Jesus cared for others during His earthly ministry. For example, day 5 features the message, “Jesus fed the hungry and so can you,” and provides simple suggestions for service like donating to a food bank or inviting a neighbor over for dinner.
Learn more about the “Light the World” initiative, with its advent activity calendar, pass-along cards, posters, and videos.
- Invite your friends to visit
- Share your experiences using the hashtag #LIGHTtheWORLD.
- Read the article “Church Encourages “Small and Simple Acts” on Worldwide Day of Service” to learn about the 80th anniversary of the Church Welfare plan and how that effort serves others in Christlike ways.