In the latest episode of the HIS GRACE series on the Church’s YouTube channel, Carissa expresses her difficulties in overcoming a pornography addiction and in understanding what it really means to repent:
Despite her desire to repent, Carissa repeatedly fell victim to her addiction. Each time she messed up, she said she felt it set her back to the beginning of her repentance.
“Why would I feel this way if God really loved me?” she asked herself.
She earnestly desired to change. She sought the support of others. In time, she came to understand the mercy of God’s grace to forgive her as she sought to conquer her pornography addiction. “I learned there was no cap on the number of times the Savior forgives,” she said.
God’s purposes are to help His children grow from experience, which can be frustrating and may seem pointless at times. He didn’t remove the trial, yet, as Carissa learned, He continually shares His love and the abundance of His Grace as we earnestly strive for righteous desires.