The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
Several people seeking shelter from powerful Typhoon Rai that hit southeastern Philippines on Thursday, Dec. 16, rode out the storm in a Latter-day Saint meetinghouse.
More than 130 people from villages around the Tacloban area on Leyte Island took shelter in the Tacloban Stake Center on Thursday morning.
“After seeing these evacuees taking shelter in our meetinghouse, I reflected on what the Savior would have done if He were here,” Philippines Tacloban Mission President Fabian Sinamban said in a Facebook post. “I know that He would be with them to comfort and lift their spirits. We can follow His example in our own small ways.”
Church leaders and members shared Christmas videos featuring the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. Missionaries in the Philippines Tacloban Mission also shared two Christmas musical presentations.
Those sheltering in the meetinghouse were some of the nearly 100,000 people who had evacuated ahead of the storm, according to news reports.
To read the full article, CLICK HERE.