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Answering My Gospel Questions (Religion 280) is a new institute class where you can ask and find answers for gospel questions.

The Church has designed this new institute class to provide an environment where young adults can explore questions they have about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints without feeling judged.

It begins by teaching principles and patterns for asking and answering questions. Young adults then select topics and questions they want to study and discuss for the remainder of the course.

“This course is part of a larger effort to meet the needs of young adults in inviting and relevant ways,” said Chad Webb, administrator of Seminaries and Institutes. “It will allow them to faithfully address current questions and issues, to receive the Lord’s guidance and to feel His love in their lives.”

Students will learn critical lifelong skills, including how to disagree without being disagreeable and how to assess the reliability of resources.

The course relies on principles and patterns that can help young adults navigate their search for answers and provides a setting of faith for students to:

  • Ask gospel questions.
  • Practice finding reliable information.
  • Learn how to use the scripturesgeneral conference talksGospel TopicsLife Help, the Church Newsroom, and other trusted sources.
  • Discuss their learning with each other.
  • Choose topics they would like to study and discuss for a portion of the course.
  • Develop skills to help them as they ask about, study, and discuss these topics.

Read more in the article “New Institute Class Teaches Young Adults How to Find Answers to their Gospel Questions.”