SOURCE: Deseret News – LDS church provides place for displaced Muslim community to pray
After arson destroyed a mosque in Bellevue, Washington, a local stake offered use of a large classroom so members of the Islamic Center of Eastside could have a place to pray until they find a new space.
“It’s really very simple,” Church Director of Public Affairs Gordon Wilson told KOMO 4 TV. “It’s just neighbors helping neighbors. Jesus said, ‘Love your neighbor.’ They’re right next door. How can it be more obvious than that?”
JP NuttallJanuary 30, 2017
Wait, doesn't the parable say Samaritans First?
ChristinaJanuary 29, 2017
That's beautiful! True Christians for sure! As a former Christian and Muslim convert, I can say that both religions are beautiful and peaceful when practiced the way they're supposed to be. Thank you and God bless all of you for helping your neighbors in their time of need!