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This Easter, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites you to find the inner peace that comes from the life and teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Enjoy this video, “The Prince of Peace: Find Lasting Peace through Jesus Christ:”

Visit between now and Easter Sunday to learn more about eight principles of peace taught by the Prince of Peace: faith, compassion, forgiveness, repentance, gratitude, God’s word, prayer, and hope. Each of these 8 principles will be featured between Palm Sunday (April 9) and Easter Sunday (April 16).

Sunday’s featured principle was Faith. When Kristin was given 15 months to live, she had to rely on faith, which meant trusting in Jesus Christ and His plan for her family—no matter what happened. Watch her story (video below) and learn how she found peace through faith.


Monday’s featured principle is finding peace through God’s Word. When Amelia sought heavenly comfort, she found it in the form of a perfect scripture for her situation. Watch her story and learn for yourself how God’s word can heal you and bring you peace.

Learn ways you can find peace through faith.


Learn more about this Easter invitation and how you can share principles of peace from the #PRINCEofPEACE.