“For all whose health may permit, let us fast, pray, and unite our faith once again. Let us prayerfully plead for relief from this global pandemic,” President Nelson said among a host of historic announcements and inspiring messages at this most recent general conference.

“I invite all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10th, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized.”

President Nelson’s invitation has been heard across the world and hundreds, if not thousands not of our faith are anxiously accepting the call to join together in hope and unity for a turn in the tide of this disease that is being felt the world over.

A Facebook group called “Worldwide Fast April 10” has already garnered over 271,000 members and the messages and responses people are exchanging in the group are truly uplifting and inspiring.

One group member went through and counted that members had responded from 92 countries around the world and all 50 U.S. states. Many express their estrangement from the Church, but their desire to join in this act of faith anyway. All seem quick to want to show love and support for one another.

Below is a sampling of the people who have declared their intention to join in the fast:

And 372 friends were quick to leave their positive comments for this new group member.

There are hundreds more responses from people of varying backgrounds and wide-ranging relationships with religion and God. Though many of the effects of COVID-19 that ripple out every day have been stark and jarring, this is an effect that is beautiful. People are following the request of a prophet, whether they believe that’s what he is or not.

April 10 will truly be a day for millions around the world to come together united in a common cause, we encourage all to participate.