The following is excerpted from LDS Living. To read the full post, CLICK HERE.

If you read the comics each day, you may have noticed a familiar name in Monday’s paper—David A. Bednar.

In Monday’s “Pickles” comic strip, Earl is talking with his wife Opal.

Earl: “I came across an inspiring quote this morning.”

Opal: “Oh?”

Earl: “’If today you are a little better than yesterday, then that’s enough.’ David A. Bednar. And this morning I picked up a Cheerio off the floor without being asked.”

Opal: “So?”

Earl: “Yesterday I would’ve just left it there.”

The quote comes from Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and was shared by the Church as a daily quote in 2018.

This isn’t the first time comic artist Brian Crane, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has incorporated a Latter-day Saint element into his comic strip.

To read the full post, CLICK HERE.