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February 13, 2025

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Paul l ChappellOctober 26, 2021

I have always cherished and honored Christopher Columbus. Sad that others don't believe the truth. One fact that is missing, that helped restore the gospel, is he didn't rely on a sexton and the stars, but his compass. Magnetic north back then and increasingly now, isn't aligned with true north. If he had sailed due west, he'd have landed on the eastern seaboard of the US. He ended up sailing in a more south westerly direction, I feel, so that English law could be established here, not the civil or Roman law of the Spaniards. Because of his discovery, more people who used a sexton, from the UK, claimed and settled what became the US and Canada.

M. JayOctober 17, 2021

I grew up when Christopher Columbus was still honored and revered. My questions are: How and why has the revisionist version been allowed to flourish unchallenged all these years, with hardly a noticeable rebuttal? Where did all the real historians go? And how did revisionism take over in the schools? It's still happening!

Drexel GuzyOctober 13, 2021

Thank you for this outstanding article. I've done research on this myself, and reached the same conclusions, but your summary is much better than mine. I'm grateful this is in a format I can share with others and help them know the real Columbus, too.

Marlene Hinton, PhDOctober 10, 2021

Excellent scholarship in a profoundly confused world. Many of Columbus' truly remarkable diaries/letters are available on the internet as are his son's journals. As a history teacher I share portions of Columbus' own writings in hopes that students will learn truth. I appreciate this refreshingly accurate view of a great and noble soul. Thank you.

Allison TullisOctober 10, 2021

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m a history major and wrote my final paper on Columbus so I have studied him at great length and I found the same things you did. It makes me sick how revisionist historians have tainted his image. His day has also been renamed to be more politically correct, which is wrong. I hope more people read this and see the true man.

RonOctober 10, 2021

Thank you for your research and offering your findings to help unveil truth and light!

Chuck McClureOctober 10, 2021

I have always honored Christopher Columbus as a great and God honoring man. Over the years I have witnessed the changes being made to denigrate, using presentism, the heroes of my youth. Thank you for this wonderful article and for adding such details that I had not previously heard. This is an amazing presentation!

Beth PowellOctober 9, 2021

I was bewildered by quotes from sources used by revisionist historians and the vehemence of arguments offered by some loved ones vilifying Christopher Columbus. I am grateful that Brother Callister did the research and provided actual history and correct view of Columbus as a deeply inspired disciple of Jesus Christ. I am also grateful for the Book of Mormon reference and the quote from President Hinckley. It is so sad that many in the rising generation believe what is increasingly taught in universities and colleges and even in the elementary grades, revisionist history and falsehoods contained in it.

BeraOctober 9, 2021

The Lord really does choose men and women to further His work in spite of their weaknesses. I thoroughly enjoyed this article and am inspired. Thank you.

Mary JaneOctober 9, 2021

Wonderful article! so glad to read many of the testimonies and facts about Columbus and his true character. I grow weary at times with presentism and revisionists in our society...people in general don't take the time to study and research the truth.

Howard & Rosalie Madsen PiersonOctober 9, 2021

Thank you, Bro. Callister, for this timely article on the Real Christopher Columbus! (Columbus Day Oct 12) We appreciate your research into the real events and inspiration of his travels.

MaryOctober 9, 2021

Are primary sources from the natives available? Would be interesting know their perspective

Sonya WashburnOctober 8, 2021

Thank you for teaching us the truth about Columbus...what a great man. We need to defend him and teach our children the truth. Instead of allowing character assassination to thrive.

Gary AndersonOctober 8, 2021

Thank you for this wonderful article! I appreciate knowing the truth about the character of Christopher Columbus.

Jo Ann OkelberryOctober 8, 2021

Thank you so much for this article. It is so informative and interesting. Always follow the sources.

JanOctober 8, 2021

I have read some of the history that revisionist have written and so appreciate this article that disclaims their writings of Christopher Columbus. Thank you for this insightful and true article. I can see why some would try to rewrite history of Christopher Columbus . Perhaps the validation of their narrative views gives them more public exposure to discount those who try to follow what God would have them do. May we all have courage to stand up and recognizeTruth.

Michael FryeOctober 8, 2021

In 1977 Peter Marshall and David Manuel published an inspiring work, "The Light and the Glory," with the first two chapters devoted to Columbus. Since that time I have always retained the blessed memory of Christopher Columbus and am grateful for another confirming voice of this great man.

John R CarpenterOctober 8, 2021

Those who view the past with only "modern" perceptions of thier culture and ethnicity are naive. Those revisionaist historians who for profit or political reasons do the same thing a true racist and bigotted people. We must see and understand the past from their eyes and their artififacts. Only then can we see the truth and learn the lessons of the past. This to prevent making the same mistakes they made unintenionally or not.

Theodore BrandleyOctober 8, 2021

To the revisionist, the object of converting the natives to Christianity would be as bad or worse than enslaving them.

Dave MOctober 8, 2021

Thanks for this thoughtful and much needed article. One can only wonder how different the world would be if, after finishing his work in the Americas, Columbus had been able to turn his attention to the Middle East and Asia.

Rochelle HaleOctober 8, 2021

Thank you. I hope many people on "both" sides of opinion will read your timely, and well-researched article. In our world of presentism, we must be careful about applying today's standards to change what did or didn't happen long ago.

Rob RackerOctober 8, 2021

I Anyone reading this article would enjoy a book written about Christopher Columbus entitled “Man Among the Gentiles”, by Clark Hinckley. While Clark and his wife Kathy were serving as Mission President in Spain several years ago, they became very interested to do extensive research and learned how CC was an instrument in God’s hands in being inspired to go against prevailing superstition and fear in sailing west to find the orient. CC was a spiritual and visionary man and not a conqueror or aggressive administrator, as he is currently portrayed by politically correct and revisionist historians as Bro. Callister has pointed out. I’ve read Clark’s book twice and it is an easy, inspiring read, by a well educated man who, while not a historian (which is a good thing, given the leftist bias and prejudice prevalent in that field of the humanities) and would appeal to most Latter Day Saints, who accept the divinity of the Book of Mormon’s origin and message. Obviously I highly recommend it.

Gale E PhillipsOctober 8, 2021

I very much enjoyed this excellent article. As a high school US history teacher, I found that almost without exception, students came to me believing the revisionist view of Columbus. They had acquired it both in elementary and secondary school from teachers who had also learned it in school and college. Columbus, is sadly, just one of many historical figures who have been maligned by history.

HalOctober 8, 2021

Thank you so much for this insightful article. In years past, my children had school teachers (one in particular) who consistently and persistently maligned Christopher Columbus (as well as our nation's founding fathers). I complained to this teacher and the principal that the things the teacher was presenting to the students was unfair and decidedly biased against Columbus. I had enough historical ammunition to support my arguments, but I wish I had the details of this article at the time. I am grateful for anyone with the courage to stand up for these good people who did so much for the founding of our nation.

Nate wixomOctober 8, 2021

Thank you for your research which appears honest, balanced and accurately depicts an imperfect yet honorable Columbus. #AbolishCancelCulture

Fawnette BaldwinOctober 8, 2021

This article is wonderful. I learned so much more about Columbus than I ever knew before. He was a great and good man. Thank you for making this story possible.



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