Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers is one of the most important works in mortality. It has been the burden of the ages and is especially critical in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. This scripture is mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal. 4:5:6); the New Testament (Luke 1:17); The Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 25:5,6), The Doctrine and Covenants (see Section 2) and the Pearl of Great Price (JS History 1: 38,39). We think the Lord is trying to get our attention. Come this week and explore the promises of tithing and the joy of family history work.
Juan CandiaDecember 12, 2022
Por qué no está la transcripción?,hace mucha falta ,por favor . Gracias
MaryannDecember 12, 2022
I am 71 years old and have been blessed with many callings and opportunities to serve in the church. Above all else, seeking out my ancestors and doing their temple work has been one of the most satisfying and spiritual experiences of my life. There is just nothing like it! The more I go to the temple, the more I want to go. I am so grateful that the Lord has given us this marvelous work to do. It is both humbling and exalting to be a part of such a glorious work. If you have been apprehensive or fearful about getting involved, visit your Family History Center. The workers there will help you so much! Remember that you are not alone, and you CAN learn how to do this work and to rejoice in it.