Here is a simple Family Home Evening lesson to help your children understand the protection that cleanliness of spirit, body, and mind provides. Time for some FHE Fun!

Opening Song:  #237 Do What Is Right

Opening Prayer: By invitation.

Time to Celebrate. What happy moments were there this past week in your loved ones’ lives? You might want to take a moment to celebrate their successes. This way your children will notice they do have strength sufficient to serve and to face challenges.

Emergency Prep Minute. Just a little bit of weekly preparation can empower your children as they grow. What emergency tip do you want to share with your family this week?

Favorite Scripture Time. When you let kids and adults share favorite scriptures, you help encourage joy in scripture reading. You can include these few moments at the beginning of each week’s FHE to help bring the spirit and to settle the children.

Activity. Here is a suggested FHE activity…but do feel free to select what you feel is most suited to your family’s needs this week.

Items Needed:

  • Finger paints
  • Paper to finger paint on
  • Smocks or aprons to protect clothing
  • Plastic to protect table
  • Scriptures

Pass out the finger paint paper, smocks, and make sure to have plastic or newspapers line the surface of where your family will finger paint. Show the finger paints and invite your loved ones to paint a scene in five minutes or less, of anything they choose.

When the family is done, share the paintings. But then ask, “Why are you wearing smocks (or aprons, old t-shirts, etc.)?” After hearing the answers, ask, “Why was the table protected?”

Teach your family that during the course of living and while anxiously engaged in a good cause, sometimes life can accidentally get messy. We might be exposed to a nasty picture we hadn’t meant to see; we might have been hurt from someone’s unkind action; or, we might have said something we later regretted.

When we have the protection that comes from living our gospel covenants, it acts like a plastic sheet that buffers us against the messiness of life in today’s world. Just as we can keep paint off our clothes while painting (by using protection), we can keep filth off of our souls by relying on our covenants to our Heavenly Father and repenting, when need be.

How is doing what is right a continual protection? Invite the family to share specifics of what keeps them “coated” or protected from worldly filth around them. What can they do if accidentally exposed to something that makes them feel uncomfortable inside?

Have a scripture ready to teach a gospel truth you feel will buttress this lesson. Share any final thoughts or testimony you feel would strengthen your family at this time.

 Closing Song: #106 The Still Small Voice  (The Children’s Songbook)

Closing Prayer.  By invitation.

Refreshments. Sharing refreshments together can be a gentle bonding experience as people chat-n-chow. What is a treat your family has not had in a long time? You might surprise them with it tonight.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: What has great power to strengthen and protect us against worldly filth? The temple. And this link is a beautiful one to discuss with your family about temples!

Have a super “family week!”

C.S. Bezas obtained a degree in Communications, with an emphasis in training programs and human resource development. Struggling with your teens? C.S. Bezas’ book is an essential help for parents and youth leaders. Powerful Tips for Powerful Teachers teaches you how to create long-lasting change. Visit your local LDS bookstore or get your copy online here.