C.S. Bezas graduated from BYU in communications, with an emphasis in human resource development and training programs. She is the author of Powerful Tips for Powerful Teachers and the creator of a soothing-music CD series found at CSBezasMusic.com . She and her husband have four children.
Contention, jealousy, and feelings of resentment will injure the cohesiveness…
Music can help make the hardest of times easier. Tonight's…
We all know what it's like to be in an…
The scriptures are full of inspiration that can strengthen us,…
Laughter can be an amazing balm for a family who…
Each choice that our children make can be a critical…
Come celebrate the power of one. Tonight let's explore the…
Frustrated with not having enough time...or enough money...or even enough…
Has the world extinguished your child's ability to believe in…
Sometimes when children make mistakes and they face their parents'…
Sometimes life hurts. Are your children prepared to handle disappointment,…
Our children face a tough world that offers poor modeling…
Elder Larry R. Lawrence said, "Your bright and energetic youth…
Sometimes the bickering between children can become overwhelming. Here is…
Your children may be making decisions that either elevate or…
Little children make decisions all the time; some good, some…
What do magnifying glasses, books, and eternity have to do…
Envy can destroy all kinds of relationships. Here's a simple…