Lindsey Stirling will be the next featured guest in the LDS Face-to-Face series on November 25, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. MST. You can watch the event on Facebook, the Youth Activities page, and on the Mormon Channel.
The first #LDSface2face event was with David Archuleta in June.
Lindsey Stirling is a returned missionary and a world-famous violinist and dancer. She will share her own story—including how she learned to recognize her worth, how she shares the gospel, and how she has risen above criticism to make a unique contribution to the world.
Lindsey will talk about overcoming trials, embracing who you are, and not being ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lindsey said, “I was told by so many people that I wouldn’t succeed because I was too different. Ironically, the very reason that people watch my channel and travel thousands of miles to see a show … is because it’s different. God didn’t send us to earth to just blend in. We are here to share what makes us unique.” Many of Lindsey’s YouTube videos get tens of millions of views, and a few over 100 million.
Lindsey will also perform live songs at the event–some familiar pieces and an original composition. One number will be a duet featuring a special guest.
Youth around the world will have a chance to ask Lindsey questions, moderated by Young Men general president David L. Beck and Young Women general president Bonnie L. Oscarson.
Please invite your friends to listen to Lindsey Stirling’s testimony and her music.-Think about what you want to ask Lindsey. Your question could be featured on the live event. You can submit questions on this article, on the Youth Activities page, or on the Facebook page.
-Plan a Mutual activity. See the activity overview on the Youth Activities site.
-Invite friends of all faiths to attend with you.
– Enjoy spending an hour with Lindsey Stirling and youth from around the world at this live Face-to-Face event. You will feel the Spirit and be uplifted by her remarkable story of faith.
Parents and youth leaders should plan to watch this event with youth as a family or Mutual night activity.
Here’s Lindsey’s “I am a Mormon” video:
This article is from Larry Richman’s LDS Media Talk website. Go there for more updates on what is happening with the Church and media.