The Church

Church Reaffirms Position on Marriage Following Supreme Court Hearing
By Meridian Church Newswire
· March 27, 2013
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AlApril 3, 2013
Very definitely the war which began in heaven between good and evil does continue here in our second estate. Every day we are tested by having to make choices (exercise of our God given agency) which puts us on one side of the equation or the other. There is no neutrality or shade of grey in God's eternal principles or doctrines. You are either for Him or against Him. Regardless of our choices, however, He still loves us as His children and we are blessed with the fruits of the Atonement as given to us by His Son, Our Savior and Redeemer. Until that great day comes, when all will be made whole and judgments rendered, we must continue to do our best to do His will.
BobMarch 29, 2013
The war in heaven continues here upon the earth in my opinion. Satan is very active seeking to destroy all of Father's children. If the Court rules in favor of gay marriage, the will of God is not being met.