Jeff has written extensively on the Book of Moses, Genesis, and the temple. His most recent books are “Freemasonry and the Origins of Temple Ordinances” and “Emer and Dennison Lott Harris: Owner of the First Copy of the Book of Mormon and Witness of the ‘Last Charge’ of Joseph Smith.” For Church-related publications, see Jeff was a missionary in France and Belgium from 1975 to 1977, and his family has returned twice to live in France. He and his wife, Kathleen, currently live in Nampa, Idaho and are the parents of four children and sixteen grandchildren. From July 2016 to September 2019, they served missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission office and the DR Congo Kinshasa Temple. As a church service missionary for the Church History Department, Jeff is writing histories of the temples in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, and Kananga. Among other projects for the Interpreter Foundation (, he is also working with RedBrick Filmworks to document the history of the Church in the DR Congo on film.
His professional writings have explored a wide range of topics in human and machine intelligence ( Jeff has been the recipient of several awards and patents and has been an adviser for initiatives in science, defense, space, industry, and academia worldwide.
Jeff has written detailed commentaries on the Book of Moses and Genesis 1–11 and on temple themes in the scriptures. For Church-related publications, see Jeff was a missionary in France and Belgium from 1975 to 1977, and his family has returned twice to live in France. He and his wife, Kathleen, are the parents of four children and fifteen grandchildren. From July 2016 to September 2019, Jeff and Kathleen served missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission office and the DR Congo Kinshasa Temple. Jeff serves as a temple ordinance worker at the Meridian Idaho Temple and as a church service missionary for the Church History department, with a focus on central Africa. He and Kathleen currently live in Nampa, Idaho.
In this article, we examine evidence that the Nauvoo Temple…
Latter-day Saint temple symbolism reflects the idea that the nature…
On one occasion, Elder Marion D. Hanks is reported to…
Although sculptured hands of marriage partners in modern times nearly…
In the ancient Near East, Creation, garden, and additional temple…
Joseph Smith’s prophetic gifts enabled him to reveal things that…
It is ineffective for any of us—having no recollection of…
While, as Joseph Smith taught, the “order of the house…
How might we understand some of the difficult-to-comprehend verses? How…
Since I was a young boy, I have loved Isaiah…
According to an insightful presentation by Catholic Bible scholar Gary…
Israel was commanded to “utterly destroy” the Canaanites and the…
Hugh W. Nibley and other LDS scholars have written at…
Many people nowadays believe that the Exodus never happened. Are…
As part of an assignment to gather oral histories for…
Immediately after telling us that Joseph was sold as a…
After Jacob’s only daughter Dinah was defiled by Shechem the…
After a final contentious confrontation with Laban, Jacob manages to…
The story of Adam and Eve’s departure from the Garden…
Why is Jacob so greatly blessed when “the pivotal moments…
The stories of the family of Abraham and Sarah are…
Several Jewish traditions speak of the “ten” tests of Abraham,…
At first blush, these three stories seem to have little…
The Book of Mormon teaches that “all are alike unto…
At the beginning of the Tower of Babel story, we…
Are there any traces of the heavenly ascent of Enoch’s…
The Book of Moses briefly summarizes how the “enemies” of…
In speaking of Enoch, Hugh Nibley made a connection with…
Though the story of the naming of the animals is…
Some years ago, Hugh Nibley gave the students in his…
Hugh Nibley managed to keep up with important new developments…
Though Hugh approached his first encounter with army culture in…
Hugh Nibley "was terribly bothered about this afterlife business" and…
Hugh Nibley embodied four important personal qualities. Rare qualities then…
In line with Hugh Nibley’s description of the Pearl of…
Hugh Nibley was a master at taking ancient history and…
In an eloquently written chapter of Hugh Nibley Observed, Marilyn…
This is the first of eight weekly blog posts published…
Learn more about the fascinating information that will be shared…
As I think about the faithful Congolese Saints, I realize…
This story is one of joy, but even more so…
As I think about the many steps, each one small…
The short heavenly vision of Isaiah 6 is almost as…
Family history work in places like the DR Congo calls…
The Congolese saints are on the whole a faithful and…
Through contributions from members of the Church, LDS Charities recently…
Against a backdrop of serious political turmoil in their country,…
Hezekiah is known as being, after David, the greatest king…
How does reading the book of Psalms in its ancient…
One of the most disturbing and incomprehensible accounts in the…
Elisha’s request of Naaman to immerse himself seven times in…
Is there more to the “Spirit of Elijah” than the…
How did the practice of inscribing LDS temples with the…
He was a man who started with so much promise…
Chapters 11 and 12 of 2 Samuel are among the…
Though it is unlikely that any of us will encounter…
The Psalms, in a tradition that stretches back to David,…
Within the short space of one chapter, the boy prophet…
The Bible account of Creation explains very little about the…
A careful examination of the Hebrew of Deuteronomy 6:5 and…
The apostle Peter singled out Balaam’s bad example[iv] as he…
Though the importance of the need generally for all of…
The making of the golden calf is often presented as…
Most of the evidence for the historical Exodus comes indirectly…
Many people nowadays believe that the Exodus never happened. Are…
What did the Lord mean when He said Moses would…
Some of the most significant prophecies in scripture regarding the…
Why is Jacob so greatly blessed when “the pivotal moments…
In his willingness to offer up Isaac in sacrifice, Abraham…
In this last of five video presentations, we will visit…
In this fourth presentation, we will visit archeological sites associated…
Although archaeology cannot directly substantiate the scriptural stories of Abraham,…
This second presentation will take us to the most well-known…
The purpose of this five-part series of videos is to…
In the Bible, Noah’s ark is described as a huge,…
Some say that Joseph Smith drew on ancient stories about…
Some people believe that the basic teachings and covenants available…
Gospel Doctrine help for Lesson 5(A): For a while, the…
After the Fall, God told Eve: “thy desire shall be…
The scriptures say that Eve was “beguiled” by Satan when…
LDS teachings and scripture clearly imply that Moses learned of…
In reading the description of the seven days of Creation…
What was the nature of Satan’s proposal to “redeem all…
At the beginning of the vision that appears in Moses…
One of my favorite Christmas stories comes from Provence, in…
Over the past fifty years, much of the significant progress…
As anyone who has experienced weariness knows, it is different…
Before you can upload a brain to a computer, you…
In Kurzweil’s 2005 book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans…
Now I’d like to say a few words about one…
Success in fielding large numbers of general-purpose self-driving cars meaning…
“Until a century ago nobody was very interested in the…
Because the Babel story is set in the explicit context…
While the account of Babel is valuable in its own…
The more I study the scriptures, the more I have…
There is a deep relationship between Genesis 1-11 and the…
It Is profitable to read these chapters "literally," though not…
The Latter-day Saints, [like other Bible readers,] are constantly converting…
The book of Genesis teaches insights I never had supposed.
How do we make sense of Noah's being "uncovered" during…
Just as at Eastertime we might place a symbol of…
There are rich thematic connections between the emergence of the…
Noah's Ark was specifically a mobile sanctuary, as were the…
It is significant that, apart from the Tabernacle of Moses…
It is sometimes difficult to appreciate the stories of Adam,…
We are familiar with the three degrees in the resurrection…
The lesson of Jesus' little-remembered parable of the importunate widow…
Joseph Smith described the privilege of personal instruction from the…
The Doctrine & Covenants teach an important aspect of the…
In the language of scripture, to be "elect" is to…
The phrase "the church and kingdom" refers to the blessings…
In the end, our eligibility to enter presence of God…
The primary sense of the word "endowment" has to do…
The means by which we make our "step-by-step ascent into…
Temple ordinances are designed to correct alternative methods of gospel…
When we understand why our Heavenly Father has provided Temple…
One of the most comforting lessons of Moses 5 is…
Here are three inseparable and mind-expanding perspectives on the oneness…
Where was Christ crucified and where was that empty garden…
Since our task is to stand straight and tall before…
The imagery of clothing beautifully conveys the correspondence between the…
What may seem solely as punishments for Adam and Eve…
Why is an apron of green fig leaves an appropriate…
Bradshaw draws on striking medieval illustrations to contrast Satan's long-running…
One of the most remarkable chapters in scripture, Moses 1,…
In 2005, the eminent Yale professor and Jewish literary scholar…
Though the event is rarely mentioned in modern Christmas celebrations,…
We have heard it so often, that we sometimes discount…