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Whether you are on a camp out or just eating a fun meal with your family, this Dutch Oven Deep Dish Pizza is a crowd pleaser on any occasion. THRIVE LIFE’s Country White Dough Mix makes the perfect, easy pizza crust, and you can choose toppings to cater to the tastes of the whole family (we gave you some suggestions below). If you don’t want to use hot coals, you can put the Dutch Oven right in the oven at 400 degrees (F). Let us know how it turns out!

Total Time: 102 min
Prep Time: 90 min
Cook Time: 12 min






  1. Prepare crust as per directions on bread can adding water and yeast to bread mix and kneading for 5 minutes. Cover and let rise until doubled.
  2. Shape dough into 2-3 separate pieces. Take one and roll out into 12-14 inch circle on floured table.
  3. Prepare briquettes and let smolder to create white hot coals.
  4. Coat bottom of 12 inch dutch oven with 2-3 tablespoons olive oil. Once coals are white, set oven on coals with lid on to preheat.
  5. To prepare the sauce, heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and saute until slightly golden.
  6. Add hot water to pan to deglaze the garlic, add tomato sauce mix and whisk until combined, bring to simmer. Add peppercorn and Italian seasoning.
  7. Turn heat to low and let simmer until ready to use.
  8. Take rolled dough and carefully place in hot dutch oven, making sure crust lays flat and carefully press crust up sides 1-2 inches with spoon.
  9. Spread sauce on crust to edges and add toppings, cheese last.
  10. Cover and set back on coals. Add 18 coals to top, and 10 to bottom. (internal temp to be 425 degrees)
  11. Cook undisturbed for 12-20 minutes or until crust is golden and cheese is melted and bubbly.
  12. Buon Appetito Cowboy!
  13. *repeat to use other dough balls or use for scones or bread sticks. Extra sauce is great for dipping!